modify 与 revise 的区别是什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/21 02:28:24
modify 与 revise 的区别是什么?
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modify 与 revise 的区别是什么?
modify 与 revise 的区别是什么?

modify 与 revise 的区别是什么?
modify 以为不完美而修正
revise 因为错误而改正,

modify verb (-ies, -ied) [with obj.]make partial or minor changes to (something), typically so as to improve it or to make it less extreme 修改,更改;改变 she may be prepared to modify her vie...


modify verb (-ies, -ied) [with obj.]make partial or minor changes to (something), typically so as to improve it or to make it less extreme 修改,更改;改变 she may be prepared to modify her views. 她或许准备改变自己的观点。 a modified version of the aircraft. 该飞机的改进机型。 ■(Biology)transform (a structure) from its original anatomical form during development or evolution. (生)使改形,使转化 ■(Grammar)(especially of an adjective) restrict or add to the sense of (a noun). (语法)(尤指形容词)修饰(名词) the target noun is modified by a ‘direction’ word. 目标名词被一“方向”词修饰。 ■(Phonetics)pronounce (a speech sound) in a way that is different from the norm for that sound. (语音)变(音) revise verb [with obj.]reconsider and alter (something) in the light of further evidence 更正;修改,修正 he had cause to revise his opinion a moment after expressing it. 他刚发表过意见后就更正自己的意见是有缘故的。 ■re-examine and make alterations to (written or printed matter). 订正,校正,修订(书面或印刷材料) the book was published in 1960 and revised in 1968. 这本书出版于1960年,修订于1968年。 a revised edition. 修订本。 ■alter so as to make more efficient or realistic. 修改,调整(以便更有效率或符合实际) the revised finance and administrative groups. 经过调整的财务和行政管理班子。 [no obj.](Brit.)reread work done previously to improve one's knowledge of a subject, typically to prepare for an examination (英)复习,温习 students frantically revising for exams. 为考试拼命复习的学生。 revise your lecture notes on the topic. 复习有关这个题目的听课笔记。 noun (Printing)a proof including corrections made in an earlier proof (印刷)改样 参考资料: 牛津字典
