高手帮忙做做下面几道英语题啊,急求!1.She took the girl in her a_____.2.Maybe you are hurt by what I said about you.______ _____,I want to say sorry to you.3.Birds arethe natural e_______of many insect pests(害虫).4.Macao is k__

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 17:15:41
高手帮忙做做下面几道英语题啊,急求!1.She took the girl in her a_____.2.Maybe you are hurt by what I said about you.______     _____,I want to say sorry to you.3.Birds arethe natural e_______of many insect pests(害虫).4.Macao is k__
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高手帮忙做做下面几道英语题啊,急求!1.She took the girl in her a_____.2.Maybe you are hurt by what I said about you.______ _____,I want to say sorry to you.3.Birds arethe natural e_______of many insect pests(害虫).4.Macao is k__
1.She took the girl in her a_____.
2.Maybe you are hurt by what I said about you.______ _____,I want to say sorry to you.
3.Birds arethe natural e_______of many insect pests(害虫).
4.Macao is k______for Mazu Temple and the Ruins of St. Paul.

高手帮忙做做下面几道英语题啊,急求!1.She took the girl in her a_____.2.Maybe you are hurt by what I said about you.______ _____,I want to say sorry to you.3.Birds arethe natural e_______of many insect pests(害虫).4.Macao is k__
1 arms
2 if so
3 enemies
4 known

高手帮忙做做下面几道英语题啊,急求!1.She took the girl in her a_____.2.Maybe you are hurt by what I said about you.______ _____,I want to say sorry to you.3.Birds arethe natural e_______of many insect pests(害虫).4.Macao is k__ 帮我做做几道英语题吧,----------------------------------------------------------------------- 几道英语题,求好人帮忙 求一位英语高手帮忙翻译一篇文章,急 求英语高手帮忙翻译下.小弟感激不尽.急OutofallthepeopleintheworldIamsoluckythatImeetyouYoumakemydaysbrighterYougivememanyreasonstosmileeverydayItisgreattoknowthatthereissomeonespeciallikeyououtthereYoureallystandoutinthecrowdandmakethe 请帮忙做做这道英语题!原型 比较级 最高级 big busycheapcleancoldcooldarkdeepdirtydryeasyfastfriendlyfunnyheavythinwarmyoungbadbeautifuldangerousdiffisultcrowdedfamousinterestingpopular 13题怎么办做做做做做急 有几道英语题目.求教大神做做啊!图在下面! 求英语高手,急. 高手帮忙做做英语题吧!补全对话( ) are you ( ) at school?Not bad.Is your school ( ) here?No.How ( ) is it from here?About thirty ( ) walk. 帮忙做做英语试题 急应该看得清 求英语高手帮忙翻译一下下面的地址:急,江苏省连云港市连云区开发区爱丁堡小区18幢一单元402室 求高手帮忙,下面那个什么意思? 英语问卷谁能帮忙做做 求打字高手,帮忙打几篇文章 求数学高手帮忙做做,要具体的过程,在线等,急!一个三位奇数,能够被3整除,且用这个三位数去除1599,所得余数为3,求这个三位数 哪位英语高手帮忙翻译一下下面的题目啊!the quiet misfit: emily dickinson as nineteenth-century woman,谢谢了.急 求帮忙解决下面几道模拟电路计算题