英语翻译P0 年龄不同,保湿重点应放在哪里?p1 20多岁的年轻肌肤 p2 缺水表象:因荷尔蒙分泌比较旺盛,皮脂和汗腺分泌也多,造成皮肤偏油,痘痘增多,毛孔粗大,过敏和干燥脱皮现象也时有发生.p3

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 14:52:15
英语翻译P0 年龄不同,保湿重点应放在哪里?p1 20多岁的年轻肌肤 p2 缺水表象:因荷尔蒙分泌比较旺盛,皮脂和汗腺分泌也多,造成皮肤偏油,痘痘增多,毛孔粗大,过敏和干燥脱皮现象也时有发生.p3
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英语翻译P0 年龄不同,保湿重点应放在哪里?p1 20多岁的年轻肌肤 p2 缺水表象:因荷尔蒙分泌比较旺盛,皮脂和汗腺分泌也多,造成皮肤偏油,痘痘增多,毛孔粗大,过敏和干燥脱皮现象也时有发生.p3
P0 年龄不同,保湿重点应放在哪里?
p1 20多岁的年轻肌肤
p2 缺水表象:因荷尔蒙分泌比较旺盛,皮脂和汗腺分泌也多,造成皮肤偏油,痘痘增多,毛孔粗大,过敏和干燥脱皮现象也时有发生.
p3 护理对策:即使皮肤并不感到特别干燥,也要时刻注意肌肤的保湿,只有水分充足的肌肤才能预防细纹的产生.
p4 没必要使用那些油分较多的高保湿产品,清爽不油腻的化妆水是你不错的选择.
p5 30多岁的成熟肌肤
p6 缺水表象:此时肌肤在慢慢进入衰退期,皮肤缺乏水分和弹性,肤色暗淡无光泽,各种斑点将会陆续出现在脸上,细小皱纹也不知不觉地爬上了脸.
p7 护理对策:这时候,单纯的化妆水已不能满足肌肤的要求,那些能淡化色斑,抚平小皱纹,长效美白,兼具营养保湿功效的美白润肤水才能给肌肤最好的呵护.
p8 30多岁的衰老肌肤
p9 缺水表象:随着荷尔蒙代谢的缓慢,皮肤分泌油及留住水分的功能也将随之退化,肌肤干燥愈发明显,吸收能力开始减退,嘴角、眼睛及额头的皱纹渐渐加深,肤质也变得粗糙,暗哑.
p10 护理对策:适合基础护理的一般性护肤品已不能达到保养效果,如专门针对成熟及老化肌肤研制的强力抗衰老修复型产品才是你的首选.
翻的好可以追加 不要用粘贴的灵格斯 或者谷歌 贴上来好么

英语翻译P0 年龄不同,保湿重点应放在哪里?p1 20多岁的年轻肌肤 p2 缺水表象:因荷尔蒙分泌比较旺盛,皮脂和汗腺分泌也多,造成皮肤偏油,痘痘增多,毛孔粗大,过敏和干燥脱皮现象也时有发生.p3
P0 What's the skin care focus for different age groups?
p1 Skin of young people in their 20s
p2 Dehydration symptoms:High hormone production leads to more active sebum and sweat gland secretion,the result is oily skin,with more acne and larger pores.Therefore allergy and peeling off of skin is common.
p3 Care Solutions:
Even your skin is not very dry,you still need to be more careful to maintain skin moisture.Only adequate moisture can prevent fine cracks.
p4 There's no need to use greasy moisturizing products.Fresh and non-greasy lotion is a good choice.
p5 People in their 30s with mature skin
p6 Dehydration symptoms:During this age,your skin enters aging stage,with less moisture and elasticity.Skin color turns to pale and toneless.Various speckles start to appear on your face.And fine lines silently creep on your face as well.
p7 Care Solutions:Now lotion is not enough to meet the need of your skin.The best skin care products are those that can alleviate the speckles and erase fine lines as the same time,with long-term skin whitening functions.These nutritious moisturizing lotions can provide better skin care for you.
p8 People in their 30s with aging skin
p9 Dehydration symptoms:As your hormone metabolism slows down,the oily secretion from your skin and its function to trap moisture also weakens.Now your skin becomes drier and its absorption capability also weakens.You can see deeper lines around your mouth,eyes and on your forehead.Your skin becomes coarser and darker.
p10 Care Solutions:
Basic skin care products cannot keep up with the needs of your aging skin at this age.Your best choice is products designed for mature and aging skin,which are powerful in restore aging skin and restore its vitality.

P0 different ages, moisturizing emphasis should be placed where?

p1 20-year-old young skin

p2 dry appearance: relatively strong due to hormone secretion, sebum a...


P0 different ages, moisturizing emphasis should be placed where?

p1 20-year-old young skin

p2 dry appearance: relatively strong due to hormone secretion, sebum and sweat gland secretion is also more partial cause skin oil, increased acne, large pores, allergies and dry peeling phenomena occur.

p3 Nursing: Even if the skin does not feel particularly dry skin moisturizer should keep in mind, only the moisture of the skin can be enough to prevent fine lines generation.

p4 is no need to use those oil more high-moisture products, fresh non-greasy lotion is your good choice.

p5 30-year-old mature skin

p6 dry appearance: At this point the skin is slowly entering a recession, the lack of moisture and elasticity of the skin, color dark dull, all kinds of spots will gradually appear on the face, fine wrinkles are unknowingly climbed a long face.

p7 Nursing: At this time, a simple make-up water can not meet the requirements of the skin, which will lighten the stain, smooth small wrinkles, long-lasting whitening, whitening efficacy of both nutritional moisturizing emollient to the skin can be the best water tender care.

p8 30-year-old aging skin

p9 dry appearance: With the slow metabolism of hormones, the skin secretion of oil and moisture retention capabilities will also be subsequently degraded, and the skin dry and become increasingly evident that the absorptive capacity began to subside, mouth, eyes and forehead wrinkles gradually deepening skin also become rough, dull.

p10 nursing: primary care for the general maintenance of skin care products does not come up effects, such as specifically for mature and aging developed powerful anti-aging skin repair products is your choice.


p0:where shall moisturizing be emphasised in different ages?

P0 年龄不同,保湿重点应放在哪里?
P0 age, moisturizing should focus on?
p1 20多岁的年轻肌肤
p1 More than 20 years of young skin
p2 缺水表象:因荷尔蒙分泌比较旺盛,皮脂和汗腺分泌也多,造成皮肤偏油,痘痘增多,毛孔粗大,过敏和干燥脱皮现象也时有发生
p2 Water is ...


P0 年龄不同,保湿重点应放在哪里?
P0 age, moisturizing should focus on?
p1 20多岁的年轻肌肤
p1 More than 20 years of young skin
p2 缺水表象:因荷尔蒙分泌比较旺盛,皮脂和汗腺分泌也多,造成皮肤偏油,痘痘增多,毛孔粗大,过敏和干燥脱皮现象也时有发生
p2 Water is by hormonal representation: strong, sebum and sweat gland secretion, cause skin slants oil, blain blain, pore bulky, allergy and dry desquamate phenomenon also happen from time to tome
p3 护理对策:即使皮肤并不感到特别干燥,也要时刻注意肌肤的保湿,只有水分充足的肌肤才能预防细纹的产生。
p3 Nursing countermeasures: even if the skin is dry, also feel special attention to the skin moisture, only enough moisture the skin to prevent fine lines.
p4 没必要使用那些油分较多的高保湿产品,清爽不油腻的化妆水是你不错的选择。
p4 No need to use those oily more high moisturizing products of greasiness, water is a good choice for you.
p5 30多岁的成熟肌肤
p5 More than 30 years of mature skin
p6 缺水表象:此时肌肤在慢慢进入衰退期,皮肤缺乏水分和弹性,肤色暗淡无光泽,各种斑点将会陆续出现在脸上,细小皱纹也不知不觉地爬上了脸。
p6 In this image: water slowly into recession, skin moisture and elasticity of the skin, skin bleak without burnish, various spots will appear in the face, tiny wrinkles and unknowingly climbed the face.
p7 护理对策:这时候,单纯的化妆水已不能满足肌肤的要求,那些能淡化色斑,抚平小皱纹,长效美白,兼具营养保湿功效的美白润肤水才能给肌肤最好的呵护。
p7 Nursing countermeasures: at that time, pure water cannot meet the requirements, the skin can desalt splash, smooth the wrinkle, whitening effect, small nourishing and moisturizing effect concurrently the whitening skin water to skin the best care.
p8 30多岁的衰老肌肤
p8 More than 30 years of aging skin
p9 缺水表象:随着荷尔蒙代谢的缓慢,皮肤分泌油及留住水分的功能也将随之退化,肌肤干燥愈发明显,吸收能力开始减退,嘴角、眼睛及额头的皱纹渐渐加深,肤质也变得粗糙,暗哑。
p9 Shortage of metabolic hormones representation: with slow, and retain moisture skin oil secretion of function will become increasingly apparent degeneration, skin is dry, absorptive capacity, mouth and eyes began to drop and the forehead wrinkles, skin gradually deepened also become coarse, dark dumb.
p10 护理对策:适合基础护理的一般性护肤品已不能达到保养效果,如专门针对成熟及老化肌肤研制的强力抗衰老修复型产品才是你的首选。
p10 Nursing countermeasures: suitable for general skin care already cannot achieve maintenance effect, such as aging skin for mature and developed strong repair anti-aging products are your preferred type.


P0 different ages, moisturizing emphasis should be placed where?
p1 20多岁的年轻肌肤p2 缺水表象:因荷尔蒙分泌比较旺盛,皮脂和汗腺分泌也多,造成皮肤偏油,痘痘增多,毛孔粗大,过敏和干燥脱皮现象也时有发生。 p1 20-year-old young p2 dry skin appearance: relatively...


P0 different ages, moisturizing emphasis should be placed where?
p1 20多岁的年轻肌肤p2 缺水表象:因荷尔蒙分泌比较旺盛,皮脂和汗腺分泌也多,造成皮肤偏油,痘痘增多,毛孔粗大,过敏和干燥脱皮现象也时有发生。 p1 20-year-old young p2 dry skin appearance: relatively strong due to hormone secretion, sebum and sweat gland secretion is also more partial cause skin oil, increased acne, large pores, allergies and dry peeling phenomena occur. p3 护理对策:即使皮肤并不感到特别干燥,也要时刻注意肌肤的保湿,只有水分充足的肌肤才能预防细纹的产生。 p3 Nursing: Even if the skin does not feel particularly dry skin moisturizer should keep in mind, only the moisture of the skin can be enough to prevent fine lines generation. p4 没必要使用那些油分较多的高保湿产品,清爽不油腻的化妆水是你不错的选择。 p4 is no need to use those oil more high-moisture products, fresh non-greasy lotion is your good choice. p5 30多岁的成熟肌肤p6 缺水表象:此时肌肤在慢慢进入衰退期,皮肤缺乏水分和弹性,肤色暗淡无光泽,各种斑点将会陆续出现在脸上,细小皱纹也不知不觉地爬上了脸。
p6 dry appearance: At this point the skin is slowly entering a recession, the lack of moisture and elasticity of the skin, color dark dull, all kinds of spots will gradually appear on the face, fine wrinkles are unknowingly climbed a long face.

p7 Nursing: At this time, a simple make-up water can not meet the requirements of the skin, which will lighten the stain, smooth small wrinkles, long-lasting whitening, whitening efficacy of both nutritional moisturizing emollient to the skin can be the best water tender care.

p8 30-year-old aging skin

p9 dry appearance: With the slow metabolism of hormones, the skin secretion of oil and moisture retention capabilities will also be subsequently degraded, and the skin dry and become increasingly evident that the absorptive capacity began to subside, mouth, eyes and forehead wrinkles gradually deepening skin also become rough, dull.

p10 nursing: primary care for the general maintenance of skin care products does not come up effects, such as specifically for mature and aging developed powerful anti-aging skin repair products is your choice.


p0 Different ages, moisture emphasis should be placed where?
p1 More than 20-year-old young skin
p2 Dry appearance: relatively strong due to hormone secretion, sebum and sweat gland secreti...


p0 Different ages, moisture emphasis should be placed where?
p1 More than 20-year-old young skin
p2 Dry appearance: relatively strong due to hormone secretion, sebum and sweat gland secretion is also more partial cause skin oil, increased acne, large pores, allergies and dry peeling phenomena occur.
p3 Nursing: Even if the skin does not feel particularly dry skin moisturizer should keep in mind, only the moisture of the skin can be enough to prevent fine lines generation.
p4 No need to use more of those high-moisturizing oil products, fresh non-greasy lotion is your good choice.
p5 More than 30-year-old mature skin
p6 Dry appearance: At this point the skin is slowly entering a recession, the lack of moisture and elasticity of the skin, color dark dull, all kinds of spots will gradually appear on the face, fine wrinkles are unknowingly climbed a long face.
p7 Nursing Measures: This time, a simple make-up water can not meet the requirements of the skin, which will lighten the stain, smooth small wrinkles, long-lasting whitening, whitening efficacy of both nutritional moisturizing emollient to the skin of water can be the best care.
p8 More than 30-year-old aging skin
p9 Dry appearance: With the slow metabolism of hormones, the skin secretion of oil and moisture retention capabilities will also be subsequently degraded, and the skin dry and become increasingly evident that the absorptive capacity began to subside, mouth, eyes and forehead wrinkles gradually deepening skin is also becomes rough, dull.
p10 Nursing: primary care for the general maintenance of skin care products does not come up effects, such as specifically for mature and aging developed powerful anti-aging skin repair products is your choice.


P0 different ages, moisturizing emphasis should be placed where?
p1 20多岁的年轻肌肤p2 缺水表象:因荷尔蒙分泌比较旺盛,皮脂和汗腺分泌也多,造成皮肤偏油,痘痘增多,毛孔粗大,过敏和干燥脱皮现象也时有发生。 p1 20-year-old young p2 dry skin appearance: relatively...


P0 different ages, moisturizing emphasis should be placed where?
p1 20多岁的年轻肌肤p2 缺水表象:因荷尔蒙分泌比较旺盛,皮脂和汗腺分泌也多,造成皮肤偏油,痘痘增多,毛孔粗大,过敏和干燥脱皮现象也时有发生。 p1 20-year-old young p2 dry skin appearance: relatively strong due to hormone secretion, sebum and sweat gland secretion is also more partial cause skin oil, increased acne, large pores, allergies and dry peeling phenomena occur. p3 护理对策:即使皮肤并不感到特别干燥,也要时刻注意肌肤的保湿,只有水分充足的肌肤才能预防细纹的产生。 p3 Nursing: Even if the skin does not feel particularly dry skin moisturizer should keep in mind, only the moisture of the skin can be enough to prevent fine lines generation. p4 没必要使用那些油分较多的高保湿产品,清爽不油腻的化妆水是你不错的选择。 p4 is no need to use those oil more high-moisture products, fresh non-greasy lotion is your good choice. p5 30多岁的成熟肌肤p6 缺水表象:此时肌肤在慢慢进入衰退期,皮肤缺乏水分和弹性,肤色暗淡无光泽,各种斑点将会陆续出现在脸上,细小皱纹也不知不觉地爬上了脸。 p5 30-year-old mature p6 dry skin appearance: At this point the skin is slowly entering a recession, the lack of moisture and elasticity of the skin, color dark dull, all kinds of spots will gradually appear on the face, fine wrinkles are also unwittingly climbed to a long face. p7 护理对策:这时候,单纯的化妆水已不能满足肌肤的要求,那些能淡化色斑,抚平小皱纹,长效美白,兼具营养保湿功效的美白润肤水才能给肌肤最好的呵护。 p7 Nursing: At this time, a simple make-up water can not meet the requirements of the skin, which will lighten the stain, smooth small wrinkles, long-lasting whitening, whitening efficacy of both nutritional moisturizing emollient to the skin can be the best water tender care. p8 30多岁的衰老肌肤p9 缺水表象:随着荷尔蒙代谢的缓慢,皮肤分泌油及留住水分的功能也将随之退化,肌肤干燥愈发明显,吸收能力开始减退,嘴角、眼睛及额头的皱纹渐渐加深,肤质也变得粗糙,暗哑。 p8 30-year-old dry appearance of aging skin p9: With the slow metabolism of hormones, the skin secretion of oil and moisture retention capabilities will also be subsequently degraded, and the skin dry and become increasingly evident that the absorptive capacity began to subside, mouth, eyes and forehead wrinkles gradually deepening skin becomes rough, dull. p10 护理对策:适合基础护理的一般性护肤品已不能达到保养效果,如专门针对成熟及老化肌肤研制的强力抗衰老修复型产品才是你的首选。 p10 nursing: primary care for the general maintenance of skin care products does not come up effects, such as specifically for mature and aging developed powerful anti-aging skin repair products is your choice. 1句话20分翻的好可以追加不要用粘贴的灵格斯或者谷歌贴上来好么 A sentence turned a good 20 minutes Do not use additional paste can be spirits Riggs, or a good Google Tieshang Lai Yao


英语翻译P0 年龄不同,保湿重点应放在哪里?p1 20多岁的年轻肌肤 p2 缺水表象:因荷尔蒙分泌比较旺盛,皮脂和汗腺分泌也多,造成皮肤偏油,痘痘增多,毛孔粗大,过敏和干燥脱皮现象也时有发生.p3 如何搞好期末复习,重点应放在哪? 英语翻译P0 空调房里怎样保湿?p1 随时使用的保湿化妆水:保湿型化妆水类产品含有容易浸透皮肤内部的成分,可以让皮肤开始拥有储存水分的能力.p2 有些保湿专用的化妆水可以在一天中的任 高一历史会考复习应重点放在哪几个内容针对高一历史的重点内容,不用太详细,主要是在哪些单元告诉我就行了, 山梨醇 甘油 丙二醇,这几个原料哪个保湿最好?这三种产品价格不一样!比如100公斤水同样放100元的原料,哪种保湿效果最好?还有没有比这几种产品有更好保湿性能的产品? 关于二元函数极值存在的充分性证明设二元函数f在P0(x0,y0)的某邻域U(P0)内具有二阶连续偏导数,且P0是f的稳定点,证明:当Hf(P0)是正定矩阵时,f在P0取得极小值应;当Hf(P0)是负定矩阵时,f在P0取得 在设计社会问卷时关于被调查对象的性别年龄职业应放在问卷的( ) 有关数学冬令营的问题,敝人欲进数学冬令营,试问如何复习?重点应放在哪里? 英语翻译重点在a,b .求解:保湿和补水有什么不同那,帮忙解释一下保湿的意思呀. 在.年龄时(英语翻译) 化学实验洗净的玻璃仪器应放在哪 强酸强氧化性试剂应放在哪 回收的甲苯应放在哪种容器中 英语翻译这句 in and for 放在其中应怎么翻译为好? P0 同种物质制成的实心长方形,放在水平桌面上.长方体对水平桌面的压强为p0,若将长方体切去一半后,剩余部分对水平桌面的压强不可能是A.p0 B.1000p0 C.3/5p0 D.1/3p0请说明理由。 已知曲线y=x³+x²-2在点P0处的切线l1平行于直线4x-y-1=0,且P0在第3象限.问,若直线l⊥l1,qie且l也过切点P0,求直线l的方程.(重点说明题目中的p0为什么是切点)