Can u HELP me PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEE!>< it's so hard!What are the costs and benefits of space exploration?please HELP ME in today

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 02:42:30
Can u HELP me PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEE!>< it's so hard!What are the costs and benefits of space exploration?please HELP ME in today
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Can u HELP me PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEE!>< it's so hard!What are the costs and benefits of space exploration?please HELP ME in today
Can u HELP me PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEE!>< it's so hard!
What are the costs and benefits of space exploration?
please HELP ME in today

Can u HELP me PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEE!>< it's so hard!What are the costs and benefits of space exploration?please HELP ME in today
I find an essay about space exploration.not sure whether suit you or not.
Space exploration is an easy target - it's expensive,and its benefits aren't
Immediately obvious.However,the benefits are real and worth paying for.It's all
About our future - in fact it's one of the few large-scale programmers we have
Which is dedicated to our long-term future?
I think the many reasons for having a space program can be summarized into
three areas...
(1) Our Survival.
(2) Our Health,Comfort and Convenience.
(3) Our Evolution as a Species.There are several reasons why we need space exploration to survive.
Firstly,we know that at some stage in the future our Sun will die.If we haven't left
town by then,we'll die with it.There's not much urgency for this one since it
probably won't happen for around four billion years or so,but what if something
unexpected did go wrong with the Sun?What if sun flare activity suddenly
increased to the point of being seriously destructive?Since it hasn't happened any
time recently we can say that it probably won't happen any time soon.But if it did,
we'd be stuffed.
Secondly,there's the more immediate threat of a cosmic collision - a comet or
other space body impacting the Earth.This is something that does happen,and on
a relatively regular basis.An impact almost certainly wiped out the Dinosaurs.An
impact caused massive destruction in Russia early this century.A few years ago,a
comet impacted Jupiter - if it had hit the Earth instead,it would have reduced our
planet to space rubble.
Common opinion is that someone like NASA will come to our rescue,but at the
moment this isn't true.We are totally defenseless.We can't send nuclear missiles
into space to destroy asteroids or comets (for a number of reasons),and we have
no other developed strategy.We must do something about this danger.
Finally,we need the space program to sort out our environmental problems back
on Earth.In theory we could do this without going into space,but it would be
much more difficult.
Satellites have revealed problems such as deforestation,atmospheric ill-health
and ozone depletion.Without satellites (and spacecraft to maintain them) we
would be unaware of these issues and have no effective way to monitor them.
Spaceflight also motivates us to develop self-contained systems (i.e.absolutely
environmentally friendly).Spacecraft life support systems require an environment
with virtually no pollution or waste.A great deal of research goes into developing
such systems,which can then be applied to our Earthly environment.The ideal
situation would be a colony on the Moon or Mars,since it would be desirable for
any such settlement to be 100% self-sufficient.Humans are perfectly capable of
learning how to exist without destroying their environment - a project like this
would force us to do it.
On one hand I think we have to be very careful about using "personal
convenience" as a motivation to do anything.On the other hand,if something is
going to make life easier or more efficient at no cost to the environment,then by
all means let's run with it.
There are so many benefits to our everyday lives which are a direct result of the
space program that it's not possible to list them.From Teflon frying pans to
personal computers,from weather forecasts to heart monitors.The routine events
which take place on board the Space Shuttles don't attract much media attention,
but they are creating technologies,medicines and procedures which impact
significantly on our lives.
Humans have an incredible capacity to learn.Not just as individuals,but as a
species.Every single generation passes new information and wisdom to its
successor.We now have the knowledge (albeit with very questionable wisdom) to
consciously affect our own evolution.
Is Human progress simply the "survival of the fittest" theory at work?Assuming
that we do survive,and reach a point at which there's no danger of Human
extinction,what happens next?What further purpose does progress serve,if we're
already assured of survival?
There's so much that we don't understand,but there's so much that we do.We've
taken on knowledge that we used to think was never to be ours.Tens of thousands
of years of history are arguing that we will continue to develop such new
Where do we go from here?What is the next step in gaining new insights into
our existence?The search for answers has taken us from trees to caves to boats to
planes to spaceships.On each step of the journey,as we have expanded our
horizons,we have learned more about where we fit in.
For most of our history,we believed that we were at the centre of the Universe.
That belief went hand in hand with our attitudes and religious ideas - we weren't
just at the centre of everything,we were the centre of everything.We believed
that everything in existence was provided for our benefit.The realization that the
Earth is just another planet has allowed us to mature beyond that
misunderstanding (something we're still working on centuries later).
To learn about ourselves,we must learn about our environment.
Things that are happening at the other end of the universe are not just curiosities
to amuse a bunch of middle-aged star-gazers with no lives.They're as relevant to
us as what's happening to the ozone layer,or the local water supply,or to our
immune systems.Maybe not as immediately,but its all part of the one system 鈥
none of it exists independently,and none of it can be separated.Certainly we need
to be learning more about our local environment (the Earth),and how to survive
as part of it.But the wider universal environment,whilst being less urgent,is just
as important.
The Truth Is Out There.