give out 与 give away都作“分发”之意时究竟有什么区别

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/04 12:12:43
give out 与 give away都作“分发”之意时究竟有什么区别
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give out 与 give away都作“分发”之意时究竟有什么区别
give out 与 give away都作“分发”之意时究竟有什么区别

give out 与 give away都作“分发”之意时究竟有什么区别
give out
1.Allow to be known,declare publicly(公之于众的意思)
2.Send forth,emit(散发)
4.Stop functioning,fail; also,become exhausted or used up(停转,失败,力竭,用完)
give away
1.Make a gift of,bestow(不愿持续下去而处置掉的意思)
2.Present a bride to the groom in a marriage ceremony(国外婚礼上新娘爸爸将女儿移交给女婿仪式)
3.Reveal or make something known,often unintentionally; also,betray or expose someone.(常指无意泄露,也有指出卖的意思)
另外:hand out
give to others(给其他的人)

give out
1. Allow to be known, declare publicly(公之于众的意思)
2. Send forth, emit(散发)
3. Distribute(分配)
4. Stop functioning, fail; also, become exhausted or used up(停转,失败...


give out
1. Allow to be known, declare publicly(公之于众的意思)
2. Send forth, emit(散发)
3. Distribute(分配)
4. Stop functioning, fail; also, become exhausted or used up(停转,失败,力竭,用完)
give away
1. Make a gift of, bestow(不愿持续下去而处置掉的意思)
2. Present a bride to the groom in a marriage ceremony(国外婚礼上新娘爸爸将女儿移交给女婿仪式)
3. Reveal or make something known, often unintentionally; also, betray or expose someone.(常指无意泄露,也有指出卖的意思)
另外: hand out
give to others(给其他的人)
