补充英文句子:In ()I can ()apples.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 15:24:23
补充英文句子:In ()I can ()apples.
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补充英文句子:In ()I can ()apples.
补充英文句子:In ()I can ()apples.

补充英文句子:In ()I can ()apples.
In (rooms)I can (eat)apples.在房间里我可以吃苹果.
In (stores)I can (buy)apples在商店里我可以买苹果.

In farms I can plant apples.在农场里我可以种苹果.

补充英文句子:In ()I can ()apples. 请大家帮我翻译一个英文句子i can never hear well in the club anyway. I can swim very well,but she().Sally likes bread,but I().把句子补充完整 英文句子改错!I believe in you can have as bright a future in the countryside as we will have in the cities 同样英文单词连成的句子比如说:I can can a can in a can 之类的 补充句子:Can you read the story in one )字母“b”开头 请翻译下面的英语的句子(有点长哦),在问题补充里I even watched the fireworks on TV.After all,why brave the British weather when I can bring China home in one bite? We can go swimming in _ days.补充句子1.We can go swimming in _ days 2.we can stick with _. 按要求改写句子.There is a lake near here.改一般疑问句你在哪里?(翻译成英文)I can draw animals in the zoo.提问 英文句子Don't say so.You don't know that someone have lived in your heart,but I kn-ow that can't be me. 问一句英文的意思,句子见下面的问题补充.I worked a bit on sets and with film crews and in post production so I got to kind see this stuff happening live . 英语有一题不会; 根据所给单词的提示 填入恰当的词使句子变得完整 请看问题补充 帮个忙,1.l like( )(dress).I don't like( )(skirt).2.Tom likes( )(swim)in the sea.3.What can you( )(play)?I can( )(play)?I can( )(play)th 选择合适的wh-词完成句子 1.He doesn't know___to get there .I think he can take a bus.补充:2.She doesn't know ___to hand in the homework .Ithink she may ask Tom.怎么填? 英文 补充句子使用use to / in order to / for 补充句子1 Scientists do experiments2 Astronauts landed on the moon3 Teachers give tests4 Babies cry loudly 英文改写句子,意思不变...I can't believe the judge's words.I can't believe______the judge______ ______. I like winter.I can make snowmen in winter.用because 连成一个句子怎么连? I hope I can visit many inteiesting piaces in Beijing(句子互换) 请解释下英文(高中程度),如下英文:When I have a problem I can't solve,I put it on hold.It sits there in the back of my mind.该句子中I put it on hold 还有It sits there in the back of my mind中的in the back of my mind如何翻译?