
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 13:25:12
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Sean Lau:没有。其实,我拍这个戏最大的印象就是,有一天他们拿了一些窃听器材给我看,都是些很小的麦克,很小的镜头。我看了以后,真得有点怕,那些东西那么小,小得不得了,让我觉得很没有安全感。

where have you got the idea of making this film?
it was in 2007 that the idea of making this film came into my mind.at that time i have just finished my parternership with Weiqiang Liu,and my writing went into a hard time that there is no investment for my play.opposite to the movie making industry was the Honkong stock market where almost everybody was speculating in it and it seemed like that once you speculate you can make money for sure.but making money is so hard that i had to rack my brain to make little money.once while discussing my play in a cafe listlessly,i unconsciously heard that the people seating next seat talking about stock market excitingly.this strong difference inspired me to write a script about econemy crime.
have you had any professional training on spying for this film?
Sean Liu:no.as a matter of fact,what impressed me the most when making the film is that one day they showed me some spying tools of some very small mirophones and cameras.i was very afraid after seeing them.they are too small to make me feel secured.
can you introduce your role in Overheard?
my role in this play is different from those i played before.he was strong outside but weak and indecisive inside.and he dose not want to show it to others.i think only people themselves can know what they are really like.

Why the idea of this creation? The first birth of the idea of creating the movie in 2007, when, and Andrew Lau, co-operation has just ended, in fact, is created when a low tide, always write the scri...


Why the idea of this creation? The first birth of the idea of creating the movie in 2007, when, and Andrew Lau, co-operation has just ended, in fact, is created when a low tide, always write the script can not find the investment. In contrast with the authoring environment, when the Hong Kong stock market has soared to 32,000 points, when stock is not as if people are less, as long as the stock market if you can earn big money. But as the film business really hard, have racked their brains to earn a little money, and once sitting in a coffee shop talk about the script, the NPC next to him overheard talk about the stock business, they are enraptured, we do slouch, this strong contrast, inspired me to create a script on economic crime.
Making this film has not received professional training in terms of eavesdropping?
Sean Lau: no. In fact, I shot the biggest impression of this movie is that one day they took me to see some of eavesdropping equipment, are some very small microphone, a small lens. I have seen it, really scared of those things so small, incredibly small, so I feel very insecure.
Please tell us about you in the "Overheard" in this role?
"Overheard" in the role I play with quite the same as I did, and he is very strong on the surface, but inside is very weak, indecisive, but he did not want to be seen. I think everyone is that they alone know best what they are.
这我以前看过了└(^o^)┘; 窃听风云


Why would you have such a creative idea?

英语翻译谢谢第一位童鞋。但是还有很长一段最早诞生出创作该部电影的想法是在2007年,那时和刘伟强刚刚结束合作,其实那时也是创作的一个低潮期,写的剧本总是找不到投资。与创作环 一些英语翻译问题 dutch courage……寒假在上海补课 老师介绍了一些用语包括dutch courage、a blue moon,她说dutch courage 是外强中干但是很多人说是酒后之勇 是听岔了么.还有a blue moon说是很长一段时 英语翻译:还有很长的路要走 我还有很长的路要走,英语翻译 英语翻译我认为许多中国球迷对中国男足是非常失望的,但是我们仍然要有信心,因为他们还有还有很长的路要走. 英语翻译有点长…但是能帮忙真的谢谢了! 英语翻译其中还有最后一段,需要那一段 英语翻译如题,不用很长,但是不要太难, 寻黑格尔的一段话“最大的天才……单凭要创作的意愿召唤不来灵感,谁要胸中本没有……”很长的一段话,帮忙找找,谢谢!不是第一个答案,下面这句是这段话的开头,除此之外还有很长一段 还有什么大自然的文字写一段话100字之内谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢 但是他还有一个问题 用英语翻译 英语翻译我非常怀念去年年您做班主任的日子.虽然半年是一段不长的时间,但是那时候是我们师生关系关系的黄金时期. 英语翻译最好副上歌词..歌词是第一位回答的那个.但是第一位有的地方翻译不顺畅,而且有翻译错误的.希望可以有更好的答案,. 英语翻译螺栓长度为6英寸 其中有句话是 EXCEPT THREAD LENGTH TO BE 5.5 MINIMUM 是除了螺纹还有5.5英寸长?但是上面还有其他零件,不可能螺纹只有0.5谢谢Ezany 其他内容分散在图纸里。没办法截图搞定 英语翻译风害易导致作物折枝、倒伏、落花、落叶、落果;寒害易导致作物干枯、诱发病变,如荔枝遇低温霜冻易导致炭疽病发生;旱害易导致作物萎蔫、发育不良等.还有一段很长的,麻烦再 麻烦您帮我看看下列的德语阅读判断题.谢谢您!29.根据第一段的内容,29题答案是选A.这个问题问地是:Fisch对教授们的疏忽不满意.对不?但是第一段的第2个句子非常长,我对它的中文意思不是很 英语翻译中国第一位男翻译家是谁 求好电影~最好是英文原版我希望是大家看过以后特别感动的电影.谢谢第一位.但是我不需要什么奥斯卡.想要大家推荐的