
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/27 17:50:01
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羽毛球是残疾人中非常受欢迎的一项运动.健全人的羽毛球比赛已经成为奥运会项目,并风靡世界,但它还不是残奥会项目.羽毛球比赛分为单打、双打和5人团体赛,残疾人羽毛球比赛始于1995年的斯托克 曼德维尔,起初参与的人很少,如今参加IBAD世界锦标赛的国家已经远远超过了亚洲的范围.残疾运动员的羽毛球项目要求尚能够移动的残疾人参加,他们可以是使用轮椅的人和被截肢者.这项运动需要很大的耐力、注意力、协调协作能力、肌肉协调能力、精确的判断能力、团体合作能力和策略.

Badminton is very popular among people with a campaign. Healthy people have become the badminton competition of the Olympic events, and swept the world, but it is not the Paralympic Games project. The competition is divided into badminton singles, 5 doubles and team event, people started badminton tournament Stoke Mandeville in 1995, initially to participate in very few, now to participate in World Championship IBAD countries have far more than in Asia范围. Badminton athletes with disabilities is still able to request to participate in the movement of persons with disabilities, they can be the use of wheelchairs and amputees. The campaign takes a great deal of endurance, focus, coordination of collaborative capacity, muscle coordination, precise ability to judge, and strategy groups.
Each race should be in the same fairway, unless otherwise provided, can not change lanes.
Arrangements for a ball along a maximum of four athletes after the race team can not change the order, in accordance with the provisions of the competition can be arranged except in the case of replacement.
Legitimate pitching:
Athletes through the assistance of others or on their own or from the fairway to fairway ball.
Help or not help walking away to come forward and pitch position.
B1-class athletes with a special set of handrails and to help take the pitch.
The ball left the athletes crossed the foul line, enter the regional competition.
Illegal pitch:
Athletes to take action to help guide members through the post-verbal or physical means to guide the athlete shall be deemed unlawful pitching pitching.
Carried out in the pitch or pitching action after the assault or if the athletes across the foul line, or touch to the fairway or play equipment.
Determine the position in the athletes, the athletes or to infringe upon or to guide the members across the foul line is not considered a foul.
中文—检测语言—阿尔巴尼亚文阿拉伯文爱沙尼亚语保加利亚文波兰语朝鲜语丹麦语德语俄语法语菲律宾文芬兰语荷兰语加利西亚语加泰罗尼亚语捷克语克罗地亚文拉脱维亚语立陶宛语罗马尼亚语马耳他文挪威语葡萄牙语日语瑞典语塞尔维亚文斯洛伐克文斯洛文尼亚文泰文土耳其文乌克兰文西班牙语希伯来语希腊语匈牙利语意大利语印度文印尼文英语越南文中文 > 英语—阿尔巴尼亚文阿拉伯文爱沙尼亚语保加利亚文波兰语朝鲜语丹麦语德语俄语法语菲律宾文芬兰语荷兰语加利西亚语加泰罗尼亚语捷克语克罗地亚文拉脱维亚语立陶宛语罗马尼亚语马耳他文挪威语葡萄牙语日语瑞典语塞尔维亚文斯洛伐克文斯洛文尼亚文泰文土耳其文乌克兰文西班牙语希伯来语希腊语匈牙利语意大利语印度文印尼文英语越南文中文(繁体)中文(简体) 互换



Badminton is very popular among people with a campaign. Healthy people have become the badminton competition of the Olympic events, and swept the world, but it is not the Paralympic Games project. The...


Badminton is very popular among people with a campaign. Healthy people have become the badminton competition of the Olympic events, and swept the world, but it is not the Paralympic Games project. The competition is divided into badminton singles, 5 doubles and team event, people started badminton tournament Stoke Mandeville in 1995, initially to participate in very few, now to participate in World Championship IBAD countries have far more than in Asia. Badminton athletes with disabilities is still able to request to participate in the movement of persons with disabilities, they can be the use of wheelchairs and amputees. The campaign takes a great deal of endurance, focus, coordination of collaborative capacity, muscle coordination, precise ability to judge, and strategy groups.
Each race should be in the same fairway, unless otherwise provided, can not change lanes.
Arrangements for a ball along a maximum of four athletes after the race team can not change the order, in accordance with the provisions of the competition can be arranged except in the case of replacement.
Legitimate pitching:
Athletes through the assistance of others or on their own or from the fairway to fairway ball.
Help or not help walking away to come forward and pitch position.
B1-class athletes with a special set of handrails and to help take the pitch.
The ball left the athletes crossed the foul line, enter the regional competition.
Illegal pitch:
Athletes to take action to help guide members through the post-verbal or physical means to guide the athlete shall be deemed unlawful pitching pitching.
Carried out in the pitch or pitching action after the assault or if the athletes across the foul line, or touch to the fairway or play equipment.
Determine the position in the athletes, the athletes or to infringe upon or to guide the members across the foul line is not considered a foul.
