下面的句子是对是错?对的请抄一遍,错的请改正.Is these your grandparents?Those is my sister.This are my mother.Are these your friend?That is my cousin.我的财富值花光了,没办法了

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 13:35:15
下面的句子是对是错?对的请抄一遍,错的请改正.Is these your grandparents?Those is my sister.This are my mother.Are these your friend?That is my cousin.我的财富值花光了,没办法了
xRN@>hQX ]tGc}5D5.LDf T&L枛s&Q50=ң)d g NXMb/"%MZZłkXv Htŵanb]IuFXP"V`S@n5%unaӒq㐒=nlGdW4d'0(kHB[ž[1X.Kʢ_QbU$K%ꇴOl]'DL‿BFm?㕖Ԗ,%27t1o$*2v4K{

下面的句子是对是错?对的请抄一遍,错的请改正.Is these your grandparents?Those is my sister.This are my mother.Are these your friend?That is my cousin.我的财富值花光了,没办法了
Is these your grandparents?
Those is my sister.
This are my mother.
Are these your friend?
That is my cousin.

下面的句子是对是错?对的请抄一遍,错的请改正.Is these your grandparents?Those is my sister.This are my mother.Are these your friend?That is my cousin.我的财富值花光了,没办法了
Are these your grandparents?
This is my sister.
This is my mother.
Are these your friends?
That is my cousin.第五个句子是对的.

下面的句子有没有歧义?请分析 巴勒斯坦游击队对以色列的进攻是早已有准备的 请帮忙分析一下下面的句子,哪个是对的,哪个是错的,为什么?请分析:He,with his friends,is playing basketball.和He is ,with his friends,playing basketball.和 He,with his friends,plays basketball. 下面句子有语病的一项是 下列对病句类型判断错误的一项是 三人行,必有我师与能者为师两个句子表达的意思是一样的.是对还是错?请说出理由! 下面的句子是对是错?对的请抄一遍,错的请改正.Is these your grandparents?Those is my sister.This are my mother.Are these your friend?That is my cousin.我的财富值花光了,没办法了 下面那句话是对的,上面那句话是错的,问那句话是对是错? 下面哪个电路图是对的?为什么? 一把下面歌颂老师的句子补充完整1,春蚕到死丝方尽,------------------.2,儿童是祖国的花朵,-----------------.二,对对子古今中外对----------------------.铺设大道“对”------------------.理想的丝线“对” 语文下面的一题对句子 精雕细刻 对下面的句子无 英语:下面的句子是对还是错?错的请改正Are these your friend?Right and wrong That is my cousin Right and wrong分数弄错了- - 要分的快来。 下面是从课文中选出的关键词,请选择一至两个写一句带有警示意义的句子,来表达你对人生、对生活等的感悟.句子尽量做到整齐.生命 生活 死亡 思想 为人 做事 下面两个句子那个是对的?Can he sings?Can he sing? 学习了《十三岁的际遇》后,你对北大又有了怎样的认识,请完成下面句子:北大拥有()拥有()是() 下面是同学们对几门学科的看法,请写出五个表达自己观点的句子subjects ideas(difficult for some beginners) 一个悖论裏的问题:句子一,下一个句子是对的;句子二,下一个句子是错的.判断哪个对?哪个错? 昼伏夜出是对前面的什么句子 下面的句子是对是错?说明理由!“提高”和“效率,水平,产量,质量”都可以搭配.( ) (是对是错,答对或错,且说明理由)