请修改下面句子语法有错误的地方,FOR 这样用对吗?I would like to book space from you and the goods will be ready on Dec.09,2007 and the attached shipping order booking form for you may arrange the latest closing shipment and advise t

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 09:11:31
请修改下面句子语法有错误的地方,FOR 这样用对吗?I would like to book space from you and the goods will be ready on Dec.09,2007 and the attached shipping order booking form for you may arrange the latest closing shipment and advise t
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请修改下面句子语法有错误的地方,FOR 这样用对吗?I would like to book space from you and the goods will be ready on Dec.09,2007 and the attached shipping order booking form for you may arrange the latest closing shipment and advise t
请修改下面句子语法有错误的地方,FOR 这样用对吗?
I would like to book space from you and the goods will be ready on Dec.09,2007 and the attached shipping order booking form for you may arrange the latest closing shipment and advise the sailing schedule asap.

请修改下面句子语法有错误的地方,FOR 这样用对吗?I would like to book space from you and the goods will be ready on Dec.09,2007 and the attached shipping order booking form for you may arrange the latest closing shipment and advise t
I would like to book space from you.The goods will be ready (for shipment) on Dec 9,2007.Attached herewith is a Shipping Order booking form for you.Please arrange latest closing date and advise sailing schedule ASAP.

请修改下面句子语法有错误的地方,FOR 这样用对吗?I would like to book space from you and the goods will be ready on Dec.09,2007 and the attached shipping order booking form for you may arrange the latest closing shipment and advise t 英语句子请帮忙纠错!I pray to god,for the girl whom i love,I hope she is happy for whole her life.有语法上的错误的话 请指出来然后帮我修改一下, 请帮忙修改下面句子语法上有错误的地方.Just informed by our production department there is still a little problem with our products,in order to provide all perfect products to our customers ,we still need a few days to arrange this .p 求高手帮忙看看英文的自我介绍?.请帮忙修改错误地方!面试要用的.所以请保证正确率.看看哪里有语法或用词错误!Good afternoon,my mane is XX.Today I participate this interview .First i want to say thank you for g 请帮我修改下面的英语句子,哪里错了The passage briefly tells us that a family (that eaten fake food,had found) by neigbor and sent to hospital at once.括号的为老师画的有错误地方,请帮我修改下...随便找个英语老师 We are going to do the original B/L for this shipment with your forwarder .but just请修改语法有上错误的地方We are going to do the original B/L for this shipment with your forwarder .but just Informed by your forwarder that you would like 英语短文改错(下面短文中有10处语言错误,请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词)After I finished my school,I began to look for a job. Now several months had passed, and I haven't found the job I'm interested. L 帮忙修改英文演讲稿请英语好的帮忙修改一下看看有没有错误的地方,如果可以, 按照要求 完成下列的题目(1)第①句有语病,请将修改后的句子写在下面的横线上 (2)第②句有一处标点符号使用错误,请将修改后的句 请语法高手回答 下面两个例句是否有错误,(时量补语) 我要学习一年的汉语.我要学习汉语一年.这两个句子是否有语法上的错误.特别是 :我要学习汉语一年.这句话是不是有语法上的错误 帮我修改一下英语的句子和语法哪位帮我修改一下下面的这段英语有没有语法上的错误,It is my live,but without you.How is it?i can't answer.i love you over all the things what i can see and what i can feel,even over my l 英语翻译如果语法、拼写上有错误请纠正,请问标准的德语说“梦开始的地方”怎么说? 这是高中的英语题?下面的句子里有没有错误的地方请帮我改正过来.Aysha went to a school in Kabul. This school was known for it's poor education.It was very easy for her to drop out school. She might have been exactly like that 这本来是修改病句的题目 但语法好像有错误 洋麻将 做前面句子宾语 又做后面句子的主语 下面的句子有哪些错误 改下面错误的地方. 6.下面语段中划线的四个句子表达有问题,请修改(写出改法即可).(4分) 重庆最繁华的地方当然是解放碑,①这里6.下面语段中划线的四个句子表达有问题,请修改(写出改法即可).(4分)重庆最繁华 下面的句子是个病句,并且有一处标点符号使用不当,请指出错误原因并修改.观点正确、材料丰富,语言通顺是衡量文章好坏的重要标准.句子病因:病句修改:标点符号修改: