英语翻译巴西联邦共和国(The Federative Republic of Brazil),简称巴西,位于南美洲东部和中部.面积851万平方公里,人口1.41亿,是南美洲面积最大人口最多的国家.巴西是世界上种族融合最广泛的国家之

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英语翻译巴西联邦共和国(The Federative Republic of Brazil),简称巴西,位于南美洲东部和中部.面积851万平方公里,人口1.41亿,是南美洲面积最大人口最多的国家.巴西是世界上种族融合最广泛的国家之
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英语翻译巴西联邦共和国(The Federative Republic of Brazil),简称巴西,位于南美洲东部和中部.面积851万平方公里,人口1.41亿,是南美洲面积最大人口最多的国家.巴西是世界上种族融合最广泛的国家之
巴西联邦共和国(The Federative Republic of Brazil),简称巴西,位于南美洲东部和中部.面积851万平方公里,人口1.41亿,是南美洲面积最大人口最多的国家.巴西是世界上种族融合最广泛的国家之一,被人们称为”人种的大熔炉”.日本一些企业转到这里,大批日本人在巴西落了根,日本移民及后裔有70多万,它是一个天主教国家.88%的信奉天主教.

英语翻译巴西联邦共和国(The Federative Republic of Brazil),简称巴西,位于南美洲东部和中部.面积851万平方公里,人口1.41亿,是南美洲面积最大人口最多的国家.巴西是世界上种族融合最广泛的国家之
Brazil Federal Republic short Brazil, is located in South America Eastern and Central. area 8.51 million square kilometers, population 141 million, is South America area maximum population up to of national. Brazil is world Shang race fusion most widely of national one, is people called "race of large melting pot". Japan some enterprise go to here, large Japanese in Brazil falls has root, Japan immigrants and the descent has more than 700,000, it is a Catholic national. 88% of believes in Catholic.
Official language of Portugal, and other countries of South America to Spain language. Brazil, the word comes from Portugal language, meaning "red wood".
Brazil has the "Gem State" and "Kingdom" or "Kingdom of coffee", "came at the end of the world", "Nr".
Brazil is South America in developed countries, 1988 annual gross national product of US $ 330 billion, arranged on the 10th place in the world, per capita output value of $ 2,400. Brazil business business etiquette, eating habits on European foreign food to eat, but some people like to eat Chinese food. Brazil one characters bold, passionate and polite. Their customs are quite interesting. If men like painting a tiger in his chest to show heroic. Or, draw an arrow in the chest, said it was the best shooter.
They also put a rare "Golden Birch-fruit" as a symbol of happiness. When business should wear and conservative style of dark suits. Remember that at any time, you ought to, should be warm and friendly. Visit government agencies or private organizations, is required prior to the contracting authority. Issue of grain on the punctuality of the São Paulo, attention, avoid assumptions. Brasilia is the capital of new modern, commercial centres remains of São Paulo. Marr mountain Cliff located in southeastern Brazilian Highlands of São Paulo's population more than 8.63 million, is Brazil's largest city, capital city of São Paulo. South-East from the Outer Harbor dos Santos 63 km, is one of the Brazil's largest industrial center, set about half of the country's industrial production, coffee, meat, sugar, cotton, and other trading heyday.
Brazil exports ranked 4th in the world in arms. In Brazil, Brown, purple express sadness, yellow indicates a desperate. They like to think people dead leaves fall, brown yellow so taboo. Superstition purple will give people grief. In addition, deep Brown also believes that will tip the unfortunate. So, hate the color. In Brazil, there have been examples of such a failure, Japan Brazil exports of watches, watch box, equipped with purple ribbons, due to the color purple are considered to be unlucky, they are not popular. In Brazil, session and use the local language will be more convenient and friendly.
Use the business card should have a local generic type, description of goods should have a text control on the ground. Brazil people are not ashamed to show their feelings, people have warmly embraced the streets, men and women alike, both when meeting and shaking hands.
When you meet women face in face, mouth kissing sounds made, but your mouth without touching the face. And Brazil businessmen for business negotiations, to arrive on time. Late for each other, even more than 1-2 hours, should also be understood. Like most people in Latin America, Brazil human attitude compared to the time and work freely. And Brazil when people, instituted the owner does not work, you do not take on work. When talking to intimacy, to close close, but don't lose the plot. No matter how hot the weather there, dressed in dark clothing is appropriate. Brazil are particularly loved children, praising his children in conversation. Brazil men like to laugh, but the guests avoided involve local ethnic jokes. Best shut up don't talk about political issues on the ground.

英语翻译巴西联邦共和国(The Federative Republic of Brazil),简称巴西,位于南美洲东部和中部.面积851万平方公里,人口1.41亿,是南美洲面积最大人口最多的国家.巴西是世界上种族融合最广泛的国家之 德意志联邦共和国 共和国,合众国,联邦的区别 【中国、美国、英国、法国、俄国、日本、意大利、德国、澳大利亚、巴西、韩国】分别是什么国体呢?如:中国是人民代表大会、美国是联邦议会共和国等 英语翻译[中] 德意志联邦共和国 [英] The Federal Republic of Germany [德] Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland 国花,国鸟,国石 [编辑本段] 国花:矢车菊,又名蓝芙蓉、荔枝菊、翠蓝,属于菊科.经过德国人多年的培 英语翻译圣基茨和尼维斯联邦圣卢西亚圣文森特和格林纳丁斯基里巴斯共和国巴布亚新几内亚独立国萨摩亚独立国 求行星边际2中的 地球共和国,新联邦,瓦努主权国的英语翻译+缩写,只有英语缩写也行, 南联盟 是指 南斯拉夫社会主义联邦共和国 还是 南斯拉夫联邦共和国 找计数.测量.标号.排序.16世纪初,巴西沦为葡萄牙的殖民地,巴西人名受到残酷的剥削和压迫.1882年,巴西独立;1889年建立巴西联邦共和国.巴西的自然条件优越,资源丰富,约有可耕面积3亿7千万 德意志民主共和国与德意志联邦共和国区别帮我解决,麻烦咯 俄罗斯苏维埃联邦社会主义共和国和苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟是一个意义吗? 英语翻译共和国搞活地方 1787年宪法规定美国实行宪政联邦共和国制其中“宪政”指什么?“联邦”指什么? 中国国号问题如果修改中国的国号,哪个最好听…《中华民国》《中华联邦》《中华合众国》《中国》《中华共和国》《中华联邦共和国》 1918年~1922年期间、俄罗斯定国名为“俄罗斯苏维埃联邦社会主义共和国”,其中“联邦”与美国的“联邦”是 英语翻译意大利语(Italian)是意大利共和国以及瑞士联邦的官方语言之一(官方语还包括其他三种语言:德语、法语、罗曼什语),属于印欧语系罗曼语族西罗曼语支(同属于西罗曼语支的 缅甸联邦共和国制造 翻译成缅甸语 有人帮忙不 谢谢 跪求《中华人民共和国与德意志联邦共和国社会保险协定》德语版,