Monty Python and the Holy Grail

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Monty Python and the Holy Grail
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Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Monty Python and the Holy Grail
◆原 名:Monty Python and the Holy Grail
◆中 文 名:巨蟒与圣杯/蒙蒂·派森与圣杯
◆编 剧:格雷厄姆·查普曼 Graham Chapman (written by)
约翰·克里斯 John Cleese (written by)
◆导 演:特里·吉列姆 Terry Gilliam
◆主 演:格雷厄姆·查普曼 (Graham Chapman)
约翰·克里斯 (John Cleese)
埃里克·艾多尔 (Eric Idle)
特里·吉列姆 (Terry Gilliam)
特里·琼斯 (Terry Jones)
迈克尔·佩林 (Michael Palin)
◆国 家:美国
◆类 别:冒险/喜剧/荒诞
◆IMDB评分:8.3/10 (59,310 votes) top 250:#54
◆字 幕:中文
◆制 作:Murphy
吉列姆至出道始,从未获得过任何一个重要电影节的主要奖项;他不但游离于好莱坞的主流之外,也不入欧洲评论界的法眼.然而全世界热爱他的影迷不计其数,影迷在网上为他建的殿堂 “The Terry Gilliam Fanzine”,内容之详尽是迄今之仅见;以高品位著称的DVD出版商Criterion公司已发行了他的两部影片《巴西》("Brazil")和《时间强盗》("Time Bandits"),当代导演中享有这一殊荣的寥若晨星,即便如阿巴斯,大卫·克南伯格,马丁·斯科西斯也仅有一部作品入选.其中《巴西》一片更是破天荒的受到特殊礼遇,由Criterion精心制作了三张内容丰富的DVD碟片,更获得当年的DVD出版大奖.
导演特里·吉列姆的神话情结与他的个人经历不无关系.他早年是轰动一时的系列喜剧片Monty Python的动画指导,而Monty Python的拿手戏便是以现代意识来解构大家熟悉的神话故事.例如《Monty Python and the Holy Grail》调侃亚瑟王与圆桌武士的神话,《Monty Python's Life of Brian》则将圣经里耶酥的故事加以戏仿,结果在英国因遭宗教组织的抵制而被禁演.以Gilliam本人而言,他成为导演后的成名作《Time Bandits》和而后的《The Adventures of Baron Munchausen》都是纯粹的神话题材,而到了《渔王》一片,已然将神话故事不着痕迹的融入剧情,并探讨了神话与现实生活的同构性.《十二只猴子》比以上诸片更进一步,所谓不着一字,尽得风流.虽然全片只借蕾莉之口提到过一次卡桑德拉,除此以外与希腊神话看似毫无牵连,但是无论情节,人物还是气氛都象足了经典的希腊悲剧,俨然一部索福克勒斯的大作.

《巨蟒与圣杯》(Monty Python and the Holy Grail)一部电影嘛..:)

Monty Python and the Holy Grail 英语翻译monty python 唱的. 这句英语……They had the spice girls and eric idle from Monty Python辣妹我懂 其他的……谁帮我解释下? 巨蟒在好莱坞 MONTY PYTHON LIVE AT THE HOLLYWOOD BOWL怎么样 英语翻译Monty Python好像是一个英国搞笑剧集的名字? 翻译一下英语,跟计算机语言python有关While the The Python language reference describes the exact syntax and semantics of the Python language, this library reference manual describes the standard library that is distributed with Python. It Python,C,Perl,and LISP 什么是Python,C,Perl,and LISP? Python, C, Perl, and LISP教我! 英语翻译Python made metaprogramming possible,but each Python version has added slightly different -- and not quite compatible -- wrinkles to the way you accomplish metaprogramming tricks.Playing with first-class function objects has long been aro circle the items monty't have.check your answerswith a partner.是什么意 英语翻译.PS:坚决抵制翻译器.请人工翻译TRAPPED BY THE FLOODIts not looking too good,darling.I think you'd better pack a few things and go to your mother's place.And you'd better take Roise and Monty with you.Putting down the phone,Sar The Pig in the Python 什么意思啊 Monty Robert的中文是什么? 英语翻译Though the exact definition varies between scholars,natural language can broadly be defined in contrast on the one hand to artificial or constructed languages,such as computer programming languages like Python and international auxiliary Monty was the son of a horse trainer.When he was in his ninth grade,he was asked to write 这是开头 As a child,Monty often went from one farm to()with his father.A another B the others C other请说明理由 有2道PYTHON题求解答Exercise 3.9Test if the t value read in the program from Exercise 3.7 lies between 0 and 2*v0/g.if not,print a massage and abort execution.Name of program file:ball_cml_errorcheck.py3.7的题目如下Modify the program listed