
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 14:09:06
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楼主,应该是生化危机吧 不知道你要哪一部 反正这是第一部哦
The story happens in a Biological Engineering Lab of a certian mansion,hundreds professors of genetics and bioengineering are doing a scientific research,a virus suddenly break out and quickly spread over.But the super computer loses controll so that it closes all parts of the mansion while the virus quickly kill all the staffs.

Introduction to Resident Evil
<> is an American film directed by Alexander Witt. It told us a story that a city...


Introduction to Resident Evil
<> is an American film directed by Alexander Witt. It told us a story that a city was polluted by virus and most of the people in the city became ghosts. The main character, a policeman, fought against the ghosts bravely and at last he beat the boss of the enemies. The film impressed me deeply for its wonderful story and exciting actions. I am dreaming of becoming a pliceman like the actor in the future to protect our world.


Story takes place in Umbrella's bio-engineering laboratory - "honeycomb," where hundreds of genetics, bio-engineering experts are now a science, a virus broke out suddenly and rapidly spreading, while...


Story takes place in Umbrella's bio-engineering laboratory - "honeycomb," where hundreds of genetics, bio-engineering experts are now a science, a virus broke out suddenly and rapidly spreading, while the super-computer " Red Queen "in order to control the virus to prevent its leakage to the ground, the nest all closed, the virus quickly infected all of the staff.
To Alice, and Matt Ryan led a rescue team was later ordered to the hive, they have led the Task Force members were such a nest has been destroyed for all personnel of virus isolation. However, the team members soon discovered that these staff were not really died. They are now hovering in the hive has become the terror of the zombie within. Once people are bitten or scratched by them would be infected, and even become a zombie immediately.
The face of almost impossible to control the situation, hundreds of four highly offensive zombie walk, and the more mysterious sinister forces, rescue teams players out of the woods, and how to stop the virus continues to spread it?


用英语写《深化危机》这部电影的简介5,6句即可,初二水准,简单点. 请用英语写出 罗马假日 的简介用英语写出这部电影的简介 150个单词左右 英文电影的简介 用英语写,60~70个词,要十篇好的话1篇十分 推荐一部英语电影或书籍~(要用英语写)推荐一部英语电影或书籍,写一篇电影/书籍简介或读后感(要求先标出电影/书籍的名称,演员/作者等)不少于100词. 推荐一部英语电影或书籍~(要用英语写)推荐一部英语电影或书籍,写一篇电影/书籍简介或读后感(要求先标出电影/书籍的名称,演员/作者等)不少于100词.. 一部英文电影的简介,用英文写的 排球的简介(用英语写)5-6句话. 急 帮忙写下对电影《小鬼当家》的英语简介主要是用英语写的!故事简介就OK了!明天就要上缴了!. 《变形金刚》的英文简介对于这部电影的英语介绍,120字左右 谁有电影天生一对(美国)的英文简介,急用!“简介”用英语怎么说 求英语.《贫民窟的百万富翁》这部电影的主旨,主人公,情节简介和背景.情节多一点。写一下电影的主旨,结局和矛盾(conflict)。如果有合适的会加悬赏。 Something about the film 《2012》帮忙找找关于2012这部电影的简介,以及这部电影的现实意义(关于环境等等问题),以及人们为什么对这样的电影感兴趣,用英语介绍. 冰河世纪3英文简介..急,冰河世纪最新输出的电影.要写读后感,需要简短的英语简介. 英语原著和电影的简介!1.英语原著10篇,写不少于100字的作品介绍2.英文原版电影5部,写不少于100字的影片简评注:作品介绍和影片简评均要求:英文字数在100~130之间要求回答认真,请注明电影 电影简介 英语我是高中生,要自己写...拜托给几个参考的,最好是经典的电影,或者是最新的电影字数在120以上的 《闪电狗》电影的英文简介最好有故事梗概,以及对Bolt的介绍.我要写一篇关于这部电影的英文作文...Thanks! 用英语写的电影明星的简介 詹天佑的简介,用英语写