Why was the writer is aunt surprised?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:10:48
Why was the writer is aunt surprised?
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Why was the writer is aunt surprised?
Why was the writer is aunt surprised?

Why was the writer is aunt surprised?
Why was the writer's aunt surprised?作者的婶婶为什么惊讶?
surprised形容词 a.1.感到惊讶的;出人意外的
aunt 名词 n.[C]1.伯母;婶母;姑母;姨母;舅母
5.aunt (女性长辈)
2.aunt 姑、姨、婶
aunt 姑妈;姨妈


why was the writer's aunt surprised


Why was the writer is aunt surprised? Why was the writer is aunt surprised? why was the writer's aunt surprised是什么时态 According to the passage,why was the writer gratful to this salesman? why was the writer's aunt surprised 为什么不是why does the writer's aunt surprised?那个surprised不是动词吗 不是用does吗 the story was written____an American writer A.with B.on C.bytell me why Had the writer's money been stolen?可以把been换成was why? why was the writer's aunt suprised是被动语态吗 有一篇英语短文的,然后回答问题.Why was the writer surprised when he came back home? she was p___ the greatest writer of her generation,I think When was the writer ofthe book b____? 英语翻译After reading the story,please answer this question.Why was the writer’s aunt surprised?Breakfast or lunch?It was Sunday.I never get up early on Sundays.I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime.Last Sunday I got up very late.I looked out Why does the writer not understand the porter?为什么不用why doesn't the writer understand the porter? the reason____he pays more attention to literature was ____he wants to be a writer in the future.that..because why..that how..because because..that选什么?为什么? I like the town ____ the great writer was born. A what B in which C which D that 英语句子中怎么有2个过去时态的词?why was the writer`s aunt surprised?怎么有2个过去式? I felt very happy because it was the third time I___as a writer by the newspaperA.was awarded B.had been awarded C.awarded D.would be awarded I was surprised and asked why he was ____ the bus.填空