谁能帮我查下关于两个生意人talking about shipping mark的英语对话,谢谢

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/16 20:24:46
谁能帮我查下关于两个生意人talking about shipping mark的英语对话,谢谢
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谁能帮我查下关于两个生意人talking about shipping mark的英语对话,谢谢
谁能帮我查下关于两个生意人talking about shipping mark的英语对话,谢谢

谁能帮我查下关于两个生意人talking about shipping mark的英语对话,谢谢
European Main Ports (E.M.P.) 欧洲主要港口
Male's Receipt 大副收据
Shipping Instructions Form 装船指示单
as far as sb knows 就…所知,据…所知
cargo mark 货物装运标志
facilities 条件,设施
forward shipment 远期装运
in bulk 散装
in case of 假如
initial shipment 第一批货
late shipment 迟交
load off 卸货
load time 装货时间
loaded on Deck (货物)装于甲板上
loaded to full capacity 满载
loading certificate 装货证实书
loading charge 装船费
loading days 装货天数,装载时间
loading list 装船单
loading port 装货港
loading 装货
near shipment 近期装运
optional port 选择港
over-shipment 多装
partial shipment 分批装运
pilferage 盗窃
port of call 寄航港
port of destination 目的港
port of shipment 装运港
preferential duty rates 优惠利率
prompt delivery 即期交货
prompt shipment 即期装运
saillings 船次
shipment as soon as possible 尽速装运
shipment 装运
shipping advice 装船通知
shipping documents 装船单据
shipping instruction 装船单据
shipping mark 装运标志
shipping order 装货单
shipping 装运的
short-shipment 少装
suitable 合适的
time of delivery 交货期
time of shipment 装运期,装运时间
to be ready for 预备好
to effect shipment 交货,装运
to effect shipment 装运
to make delivery of the goods 交货
to make shipment 交货,装运
to ship 装船,装运
to speed up 加速
to take delivery of the goods 提货
to tranship (transship) 转运
transhipment entry 转运报单
transhipment manifest 转运仓单
transhipment not allowed 不准许转运
transhipment on route 中途转运
transhipment permitted 答应转运
transhipment prohibited 不许转运
transhipment to be allowed 准许转运
transhipment trade 转口贸易
transit shipment 转运,中转
transshipment (T.S.) 转运
transshipment charges 转运费
troublesome 麻烦
unloading port 卸货港
unloading/discharging 卸货

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