
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 17:06:04
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In the world ,soccer of football is the most popular sport. This is because many countries have wonderful teams for the World Cup. The World Cup is held every four years.
To remember 2002 FIFA World Cup ,children from different countries and more than 60 children from Japanese schools came together and spent three weekends drawing a big picture called “Dream(梦幻) World Cups ”in Japan .The children drew animals, flowers and people playing soccer under a bule bright sky. They wished each football team good luck by drawing the flags(旗帜)of all the countries that will take part in the World Cup in Japan and South Korea.The picture was put up in a park near a playground in Yokohama .Some football teams will have games there.
Are you a football fan(迷)?The World Cup makeds more and more people interested in football Teenagers(青少年)like playing and watching football .Many of them love some football stars so much that they get the pictures of their favourite players on the walls of their rooms. That is the way to show their love for the World Cup as children in Japan.
1. If a country wants to take part in the World Cup ,she must have______.
A. Many football fans B. a very good team C. many football player D. a big playground
2. The next World Cup will be held in_______.
A. 2006 B. 2007 C. 2005 D. 2004
3. From the passage ,in the picture children drew many things except_________.
A. people playing football B. pictures of some football stars C. a sunny sky D. flowers
4. In “Dream World Cup”,the children drew the flags of some countries______.
A. to show their love for their owe country
B. to tell the people their stories
C. to show their good wishes for the football teams
D. to show their new ideas about football
5.Many teenagers owe the pictures of some football stars because______.
A. they are interested in football B. they are football fans
C. they think their favourite players are great D. all of A,B and C
In 1826, a Frenchman named Niepce needed pictures for his business .But he was not a good artis .So he invented a very simple camera (照相机).He put it in a window of his house and took a picture of hia garden .That was the first photo.
The next important date in the history of photography (摄影术) was in 1837. That year, Daguere, another Frenchman ,took a picture of his reading room .He used a new kind of camera in a different way. In his picture you could see everything very clearly ,even the smallest thing. This kind of photo was called a Daguerreotype.
Soon, other people began to use Daguerre’s way. Travelers brought back wonderful photos from all around the world .people took picture of famous buildings, cities and mountains.
In about 1840, photography was developed .Then photographers could take picture of people and moving things .That was not simple .The photographers had to carry a lot of film and other machines. But this did not stop them ,for example, some in the United States worked so hard.
Mathew Brady was a famous American photographers. He took many picture of gread people .The picture were unusual beause they were very lifelike(栩栩如生的)
Photographers also became one kind of art by the end of the 19th century .Some photod were nor just cooies of the real world .They showed and feelings,like other kinds of art.
6. The first photo taken by Niepce was a picturte of ____________
A. his business B. his house C. his garden D. his window
7. The Daguerrotype was____________.
A. a Frenchman B. a kind of picture C. a kind of camera D. a photographer
8. If a photographer wanted to take pictures of moving things in the year of 1840j, he had to__________.
A. watch lots of films B. buy an expensive camera
C. stop in most cities D. take many films and something else with him.
9. Mathew Brady______________.
A. was very lifelike B. was famous for his unusual pictures
C. was quite strong D. took many pictures of moving people
10. This passage tells us_____________.
A. how photography was developed B. how to show your ideas and feelings in pictures
C. how to take pictures in the world D. how to use different cameras
Americans with small families own a small car or a large one. If both parents are working, they usually have two cars. When the family is large, one of the cars is sold and they will buy a van(住房汽车)
A small car can hold(容纳)four persons and a large car can hold six persons but it is very crowded(拥挤). A van hold seven persons easily, so a family three children could ask their grandparents to go on a holiday travel They could all travel together.
Mr.Hagen and his wife had a third child last year. This made them sell a second car and bus a van. Their children sixth and seventh seat are used to put other things, for a family of five must carry many suitcases(衣箱)when they travel. When they arrive at their grandparents’ home , the suitcases are brought into the two seats can then carry the grandparents.
Americans call vans motor homes. A motor home is always used for holidays. When a family are traveling to the mountains or to the seaside, they can live in their motor home for a few days or to the seaside, they can live in their motor home for a few days or weeks. All the members of a big family can enjoy a happier life when they are traveling together. That is why motor homes have become very popular. In America there are many parks for motor homes.
11. From the passage, a van is also called ____________.
A. a motor car B. a motor home C. a motorbike D. a big truck
12. Before Mr. Hagen and his wife bought a van, they__________.
A. sold their old house B. moved to their grandparents’ house
C. built a new place for a van D. sold their second car
13. A motor home is usually owned by a family with__________.
A. a baby B. much money C. more than two children D. interest in vans
14. Americans usually use motor homer____________.
A. to travel with all the family members of holiday
B. to do some shopping with all the family members
C. to visit their grandparents at weekends
D. to drive their children to school every day
15. Motor homes have become popular because___________.
A. they can take people to another city when people are free
B. they can let families have a happier life when they go out for their holidays
C. some people think motor homes are cheap
D. big families can put more things in motor homes
Surtsey was born in 1963.Scientists saw the birth of this island. It began at 7.30 a.m. on 14th November. A fishing boat was near Iceland. The boat moved under the captain's(船长)feet. He noticed a strange smell. He saw some black smoke. A volcano(火山)was breaking out. Red-hot rocks, fire and smoke were rushing up from the bottom(底部)of the sea. The island grew quickly. It was 10 meters high the next day and 60 meters high on 18th November. Scientists flew there to watch. It was exciting. Smoke and fire were still rushing up. Pieces of red-hot rock were flying into the air and falling into the sea. The sea was boiling and there was a strange light in the sky. Surtsey grew and grew. Then it stopped in June 1967.It was 175 meters high and 2 kilometers long. And life was already coming to Surtsey. Plants grew. Birds came. Some scientists built a house. They want to learn about this young island. A new island is like a new world.
16. Surtsey is ______.
A. an island not far from Iceland B. a new volcano
C. a fishing boat D. a place in Iceland
17. Scientists flew there ______.
A. to watch the birth of the island B. to save the fishing boat
C. to learn about the island D. to build a house
18. When did scientist fly there to watch?
A. Before the volcano broke out. B. As soon as the volcano broke out.
C. About four days after the volcano broke out. D. After the volcano stopped rushing up.
19. Put the following sentences in correct order.
a. The captain found the boat was moving. b. A new island appeared in the sea.
c. Fire, smoke and rocks were seen rushing up. d. A fishing boat was near Iceland.
e. The island grew quickly.
A. d-a-c-b-e B. a-b-c-d-e C .a-b-e-c-d D. b-e-d-a-c
20. The best title of this article is ________.
A. A new island B. The birth of an island
C. A new world D. Scientists discovered Surtsey
On Nov.18th,1908,three men went up in a balloon(气球).They started early in London. The headman was Augusta Gaudron, and the other two men were Tannar and Maitland. They had a big balloon and they were ready for a long way.
Soon they heard the sea. They were carrying the usual rope(绳子),and it was hanging down from the basket of the balloon. At the end of the rope they had tied a metal box. This could hold water, or it could be empty. So they were able to change its weight(重量).It was for use over the sea. They were also carrying some bags of sand.
After the sun rose, the balloon went higher. It went up to 3,000 metres, and the air was very cold. The water in the balloon became ice. Snow fell past the men's basket, and they could see more snow on the ground. The men tried to throw out some more sand; but it was hard. They tried to break the icy sand with their knives, but it was not easy. The work was slow and they were still falling, so they had to drop some whole bags of sand. One of them fell on an icy lake and made a black hole in the ice.
At last they pulled the box into the basket. It was still snowing; so they climbed to get away from the snow. They rose to 5,100 metres! Everything became icy. They were so cold that they decided to land. They came down in Poland heavily but safely. They had travelled 1,797 kilometers from London!
21. Three men flew in balloon ________.
A. for nearly 1,800 kilometers B. to another city
C. to visit Poland D. more than a century ago
22. The metal box was used for ________.
A. carrying the bags of sand‘ ’ B. keeping drinking-water
C. carrying ropes of the basket D. changing weight
23. When the balloon went up higher, ________.
A. the temperature of the balloon began to fall B. They saw the sun go down
C. They made a hole in the basket with their knives
D. They could see a black hole on the ground
24. The balloon landed ________.
A. in London B. on the sea C. on a lake D. in a foreign country
25. Which of the following is NOT true?________
A. The three men started their journey before the sun rose.
B. The balloon began to go up when they threw bags of sand out of the basket.
C. When they pulled the box into the basket, the balloon began to climb up.
D. The three men had to land because they felt cold.
1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D 6. C 7.B 8.D 9.B 10. A 11.B 12.D 13. C 14.A 15. B 16.A 17.A 18.C 19.A 20.B 21.A 22.D 23.A 24.D 25.B
Ali,who was working a long way from home wanted to send a letter to his wife,but he could neither read nor write, and he had to work all day,so he could only look for somebody to write his letter late atnight .At last he found the house of a letter writer whose name was Nasreddin.
Nasreddin was already in bed."It is late,"he said. "What do you want?" "I want you to write a letter to my wife , "said Ali , Nasreddin wasnot pleased. He thought for a few seconds and then said, "Has theletter got to go far?" "What does that matter?" answered Ali.
"Well, my writing is so strange that only I can read it, and if I have to travel a long way to read your letter to your wife, it will cost you a lot of money." Ali went away quickly.
Multiple choice
( ) 1. Ali wanted to____to his wife.
A.get something B.have a letter written
C.bring a flower D. say good-bye
( ) 2. At last he found the house of_____.
A.a writer B.a seller C.an old man D.a letter-writer
( ) 3.When Ali told what he wanted to do Nasreddin was______.
A.not pleased B.pleased C.excited D.angry
( ) 4.Nasreddin said that his writing was_____.
A.easy for anyone to read B.strange for anyone to read
C. too strange for anyone to write D.difficult for anyone to read
( ) 5. This story tells us______.
A.not to ask anybody for help B.not to trouble others at night
C.not to ask for help without money D.not to trust others
An old man died and left his son a lot of money. But the son was a foolish young man,and he quickly spent all the money, so that soon hehad nothing left.Of course ,when that happened, all his friends lefthim.When he was quite poor and alone, he went to see Nasreddin, who was a kind, clever old man and often helped people when they had troubles.
"My money has finished and my friends have gone,"said the young man. "What will happen to me now?"
"Don't worry , young man,"answered Nasreddin."Everything will soon be all right again.Wait ,and you will soon feel much happier."
The young man was very glad."Am I going to get rich again then? " heasked Nasreddin.
"No, I didn't mean that," said the old man."I meant that you would soon get used to being poor and to having no friends."
Multiple choice
( )1.An old man died and left his son_______.
A.nothing B.some gold C. much money D.only a house
( ) 2. When the son was________, he went to see Nasreddin.
A.short of money B.quite poor and sick
C.in trouble D. quite poor and alone
( ) 3.The young man was very glad because Nasreddin said that________.
A.he would become rich again B. he would soon feel much happier
C.he would become clever D. he would have more friends
( ) 4.Nasreddin meant the young man______.
A.would get rich again B. would get used to having nothing
C.would get used to being in trouble D.would get out of poorness
( ) 5.What this story tells us is________.
A.that money is everything B.that money makes the mare go
C.to save each penny D. that misfortune tests the sincerity of friends
A man was travelling abroad in a small red car.One day he left thecar and went shopping.When he came back, its roof was badly damaged.
Some boys told him that an elephant had damaged it. The man did not believe them,but they took him to a circus which was near there. Theowner of the elephant said,"I am very sorry!My elephant has a big, round,red chair.He thought that your car was his chair, and he sat on it!"
Then he gave the man a letter, in which he said that he was sorry andthat he would pay for all the damage.
When the man got back to his own country,the customs officers wouldnot believe his story.They said,"You sold your new car while you wereabroad and bought this old one!"
It was only when the man showed them the letter from the circus man that believed him.
Multiple choice
( )1.A man was travelling abroad_______.
A.in a big bus B.in a green jeep C.in a red car D.in a red taxi
( ) 2.The car was damaged because________.
A.there was a traffic accident B.the circus man broke it
C. it rushed into a shop D.the elephant sat on it
( ) 3.The circus man said that_______.
A.he would pay for part of the damage B.he would pay for all of the
damage C.he wouldn't pay for the damage D.he would buy a new car
( ) 4. When the man got back to his country,the customs officers______.
A. would check his new car B.only checked his car
C. searched him D. wouldn't believe what he had said,
( ) 5.It was only________that made the officers believe him.
A.the letter from the circus man B. a newspaper from the country
C.the certificate of his D.the letter from the government
Nasreddin was cutting a branch off a tree in his garden.While he wassawing,another man passed in the street.He stopped and said,"Excuse me,
but if you continue to saw that brancd like that, you will fall downwith it."He said this because Nasreddin was sitting on the branch andcutting it at a place between himself and the trunk of the tree.
Nasreddin said nothing.He thought,"This is some foolish person whohas no work to do and goes about telling other people what to do andwhat not to do."
The man continued on his way. Of course, after a few minutes.The branch fell and Nasreddin fellwith it.
"My God!"he cried."That man knows the future !"and he ran after himto ask how long he was going to live.But the man had gone.
Multiple choice
( )1.One day Nasreddin was cutting a branch_______a tree in his garden.
A.on B.in C.at D.off
( )2.While Nasreddin was sawing,another man_______.
A.told him to stop working B.told him he would fall down
C. would borrow something from him D.would help him saw that branch
( ) 3. After the man went away,Nasreddin thought that________.
A. that was a silly fellow B..that was a wise person
C.that was a proud person D.that fellow cheated him
( ) 4.What happened to Nasreddin after a few minutes?
A.The brancd fell .B.Nasreddin fell down to the ground.
C.Nasreddin was hurt himself. D..Both A and B.
( ) 5.This story is about ________.
A.a foolish man B. a wise man
C.cutting a tree D.the necessity of taking good advice
It was half-past eight in the morning. The telephone bell rang andMary went to answer it.
"It's me-Peter."
"Hullo, who's that?"she asked.
Peter was a friend of Mary's eight-year-old brother,Johnny.
"Oh hullo,Peter.What do you want?"said Mary.
"Can I speak to johnny?"
"No,"said Mary,"you can't speak to him now.He is busy. He is gettingready for school.He is eating his breakfast.Grandmother is combing hishair.Sister is under the table,putting his shoes on. Mother is gettinghis books and putting them in his school bag.Goodbye,I've got to go now. I have to hold the door open.The school bus is coming .
Mtiple choice
( )1.Who went to answer it when the teltphone bell rang?
A.Johnny's sister B.Peter C,Johnny D.Johnny's mother
( )2.Whom did Peter want to speak to?
A.Mary's brother B.Mary's sister C.Mary's grandmother D.Johnny's mother
( )3.Johnny couldn't speak to Peter because Johnny _______.
A. was combing his hair B.was putting his shoes on
C.was getting his books D. was busy eating his hreakfast
( )4.How do you say to a stranger who is answering your telephone?
A.Who are you?B.Anything to say? C.Who is it? D.Please
( )5.From this story we know that Johnny was_____.
A. a lazy B.a clever boy C.a busy boy D.a hungry boy

In the world ,soccer of football is the most popular sport. This is because many countries have wonderful teams for the World Cup. The World Cup is held every four years.
To remember 200...


In the world ,soccer of football is the most popular sport. This is because many countries have wonderful teams for the World Cup. The World Cup is held every four years.
To remember 2002 FIFA World Cup ,