We make dumplings.现在进行时的句子

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We make dumplings.现在进行时的句子
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We make dumplings.现在进行时的句子
We make dumplings.现在进行时的句子

We make dumplings.现在进行时的句子
We are making dumplings.

We make dumplings.现在进行时的句子 need,we,dumplings,pork,make,some,to We make dumplings .一般疑问句,肯定答语,否定答语, we make dumplings dumplings是画线的,对画线部分提问 can you make dumplings对dumplings提问 Would you mind if we learn to make dumplings from you?(同义句)理由 请帮下忙,找出英文短文中的词组.配合孩子复习和背诵How to make dumplings When the Spring Festival comes,my parents always make dumplings to celebrate it.To make dumplings,we need some flour and meat.Firstly,we mix water in the flo How to Make Dumplings?作文,急 How to make dumplings 要短 I have ever( )( ) make dumplings from mom Let's make dumplings.(改为同义句):_____ _____ makLet's make dumplings.(改为同义句):_____ _____ making dumplings. We usually have cabbage dumplings ( ) Sundays She need some rice to make dumplings to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival这句话对吗,need的时态应该用现在是还是过去式? when the spring festing festival comes,i usually help my parents clean our house and do some shoppion that day everyone eats dumplings,new year's cakes and some other food.and i like dumplings.we usually make dumplings and watch tv.i like the spring Let's make dumplings.(改为同义句)提示:---- ----- .making dumplings? Let us make some dumplings for supper.=( )about( )some dumplings for supper? let's make dumplings改为同义句( )( )making dumplings? 改否定句:I think lily will make dumplings for lunch.I()()Lily()()dumplings for lunch.