急求,中译英翻译,谢谢!二、从语言知识的传授者转换成语言技能的培养者和文化传播者 美国著名语言学家乔姆斯基认为:语言是受规则支配的体系.人类学习语言决不是单纯模仿和记忆的过程

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/29 09:51:47
急求,中译英翻译,谢谢!二、从语言知识的传授者转换成语言技能的培养者和文化传播者  美国著名语言学家乔姆斯基认为:语言是受规则支配的体系.人类学习语言决不是单纯模仿和记忆的过程
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急求,中译英翻译,谢谢!二、从语言知识的传授者转换成语言技能的培养者和文化传播者 美国著名语言学家乔姆斯基认为:语言是受规则支配的体系.人类学习语言决不是单纯模仿和记忆的过程

急求,中译英翻译,谢谢!二、从语言知识的传授者转换成语言技能的培养者和文化传播者 美国著名语言学家乔姆斯基认为:语言是受规则支配的体系.人类学习语言决不是单纯模仿和记忆的过程
二、Imparting of knowledge from the language into the cultivation of language skills and cultural communicators
American linguist Noam Chomsky that: Language is a system dominated by the rules.Human language learning is by no means a simple process of imitation and memory, but to utilize the creative process. Foreign language teachers to teach students to discover the one hand, the rules, we must also teach students to creatively utilize these rules, the students creative ability to apply language rules.Therefore, in foreign language teaching, language teachers should not only explain the points, but the main thing is to utilize a large number of language rules to provide students with creative opportunities and situations, through the students practice the language of individual or collective activities to improve their foreign language skills.Moreover, the nature of language and the relationship between language and culture is important to note the decision of the foreign language teaching and cultural differences. Practice in language teaching, cultural background of students imparting knowledge and cross-cultural communication abilities, have been included in American Foreign Language Teaching Association, the content of communicative competence.People speaking foreign languages, without understanding the cultural background knowledge is difficult to understand the language itself. As a foreign teacher, if this culture, the psychological difference between turning a blind eye to language teaching and culture will inevitably lead to out of line, so that students lack of cross-cultural awareness.Therefore, foreign language teachers should focus on cultural knowledge and language combination of study and practice to enable students to fully understand the cultural background of English and social criteria; cultivate their sense of tolerance of different cultures to make their communicative actions are consistent with the pragmatic principle of national culture ; Bing advocates "task oriented" teaching model primarily: this teaching model is the student Xue Xi Zhong Shi's activities, students through Si Kao, study, discussion, exchanges and cooperation and other forms to complete learning tasks to enable students to improve language knowledge and language skills, but also raise awareness of language and culture to overcome intercultural communication barriers, to truly improve the ability to use language.

急求,中译英翻译,谢谢!二、从语言知识的传授者转换成语言技能的培养者和文化传播者 美国著名语言学家乔姆斯基认为:语言是受规则支配的体系.人类学习语言决不是单纯模仿和记忆的过程 对翻译的理解(从语言知识、非语言知识、分析这三个方面论述) 求:高一必修一和必修二的知识总结 谢谢!英语 笔记之类的 急急急。。 急求高中数学必修一的知识要点,谢谢 从大自然的语言中学到了什么说明问的知识?急! 求这句名人名言的英文原版!急求~塞缪尔.约翰逊:“知识分两种:一种是我们自身驾轻就熟的知识,另一种则是我们知道往何处查询的知识.” 求这句话的英文原版翻译!着急~~~谢谢~~~~ 射击的物理知识有哪些?急求!谢谢各位!射击的物理知识有哪些?急求!谢谢各位!射击的物理知识有哪些?急求!谢谢各位!射击的物理知识有哪些?急求!谢谢各位!射击的物理知识有哪些?急求!谢谢 高中化学必修二的知识总结!急! 马克思是如何从哲学的角度语言了资本主义的灭亡理科生上毛概课要用,300字左右,不用原创,自圆其说就行,好的话加分,急求,谢谢! 呼唤 初三作文 800字急求! 要从 环保,绿色,爱护大自然的角度入手,800个字,语言尽量优美点,要是初三的水平!急求! 谢谢! 急求C语言编程:从键盘输入n个实数(n的值由键盘输入),求其中的最大值.谢谢了、、、、 谁知道文言文《二犬情深》的翻译急求! 给力是什么意思?是从其他语言翻译的音译吗/谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 急,谁能给我一个越南语言翻译软件,翻译不全的不要.谢谢!linruijiao@qq.com 急求英文的名人名言,最好带翻译,谢谢急用 急求的翻译@赏析,谢谢各位了~~~~~ 马崽(其二)的翻译急求,谢谢 “对语言知识技能的七级要求”怎么翻译