1 在一首童谣中“Down by the ocean down by the sea,Johny broke an bowl and bladed it on me”中的最后1 在一首童谣中“Down by the ocean down by the sea,Johny broke an bowl and bladed it on me”中的最后四个词好像应该读成"

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 15:55:09
1 在一首童谣中“Down by the ocean down by the sea,Johny broke an bowl and bladed it on me”中的最后1 在一首童谣中“Down by the ocean down by the sea,Johny broke an bowl and bladed it on me”中的最后四个词好像应该读成
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1 在一首童谣中“Down by the ocean down by the sea,Johny broke an bowl and bladed it on me”中的最后1 在一首童谣中“Down by the ocean down by the sea,Johny broke an bowl and bladed it on me”中的最后四个词好像应该读成"
1 在一首童谣中“Down by the ocean down by the sea,Johny broke an bowl and bladed it on me”中的最后
1 在一首童谣中“Down by the ocean down by the sea,Johny broke an bowl and bladed it on me”中的最后四个词好像应该读成"bleididitan me"但听起来总像是"bleiditan me";在另一首童谣中"Come on and join into the party"的最后四个词听起来总像"join to the game",是我听错了吗还是另有诀窍?
2 "Let everyone clap hands like me"和"Let everyone jumps like me"同时出现,动词clap和jump的时态为什么不一样?

1 在一首童谣中“Down by the ocean down by the sea,Johny broke an bowl and bladed it on me”中的最后1 在一首童谣中“Down by the ocean down by the sea,Johny broke an bowl and bladed it on me”中的最后四个词好像应该读成"
1.童谣中你听成那样是因为英语中的连读.在连贯地说话或朗读时,在同一个意群(即短语或从句)中,如果相邻的两个词前者以辅音音素结尾,后者以元音音素开头,就要自然地将辅音和元音相拼,构成一个音节,这就是连读.连读时的音节一般不重读,只需顺其自然地一带而过,不可以加音,也不可以读得太重.如:not at all这个短语.连读时听起来就像是一个单词.注意:连读只发生在句子中的同一个意群中.在两个意群之间即使有两个相邻的辅音和元音出现,也不可连读.如:Please take a look at it.这个句子中take a look at it是同一个意群,那么take与a可连读,look与at可连读,at与it可连读.在There is a book in it.一句中book与in往往不连读,因为book与in分别在两个不同的意群中.