
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 16:50:56
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如果你真的想要忘记一个人,要学会放弃一些东西,让你的心放开,而不是经常去想,时间会让你慢慢淡忘的,如果你真的好爱他,就要用一生去忘记,如果不想忘记,就请把爱深深藏在你的心底吧. 这句话英文咋说啊?

If you really want to forget someone,you must learn to give up something.Take it easy instead of trap in it.time can fade everything.If you really love him,it may need whole life to forget it;if you don`t want to forget,just bury the love in your heart deeply.

If you really want to forget a person, must learn to give up some things, let your heart, and do not often go to think, time will make you forget, if you really love him, will use his life to forget, if you do not want to forget, then please love deeply hidden in your the bottom of my heart.

f you really want to forget a person, must learn to give up some things, let your heart, and do not often go to think, time will make you forget, if you really love him, will use his life to forget, if you do not want to forget, then please love deeply hidden in your the bottom of my heart.

最简单的是If you really want to forget a person, must learn to give up some things, let your heart, and do not often go to think, time will make you forget, if you really love him, will use his life to for...


最简单的是If you really want to forget a person, must learn to give up some things, let your heart, and do not often go to think, time will make you forget, if you really love him, will use his life to forget, if you do not want to forget, then please love deeply hidden in your the bottom of my heart.
稍微具体点的是If you really want to forget someone,you must learn to give up something.Take it easy instead of trap in it.time can fade everything.If you really love him,it may need whole life to forget it;if you don`t want to forget,just bury the love in your heart deeply.


If you really want to forget a person, must learn to give up some things, let your heart, and do not often go to think, time will make you forget, if you really love him, will use his life to forget, if you do not want to forget, then please love 。

If you really want to forget a person, want to learn to give up some things, and let your heart be let go, and not think often, time will make you slowly forgotten, if you really love him, will use lifetime to forget, if don't want to forget, please love deeply hidden in your heart

哪个大侠帮忙翻译一句话,没分了,谢谢,祝大家新年愉快,龙年大吉!如果你真的想要忘记一个人,要学会放弃一些东西,让你的心放开,而不是经常去想,时间会让你慢慢淡忘的,如果你真的好爱他, 请各位大侠帮忙翻译一句话我会一直陪在你身边.谢谢了 各位 请帮我翻译一句话!没分了,帮忙咯~成立外商投资企业XX公司 英语翻译没分了 只求好心的过路大侠帮忙, 把英文VISCOSE翻译成摩尔多瓦语谢谢~~各位大侠了帮忙翻译下 “北京市朝阳区西大望路19号金港国际1号楼B座”英文如何翻译?哪位大侠帮忙翻译一下~谢谢了~!~! “质量百分含量”.这是什么意思?我没学,题中遇到了.求各位大侠帮忙解答.谢谢 주아준是什么意思?哪位懂的人能帮忙翻译下 谢谢啦`没分数了555不能给分了 我要郁达夫的点评...大侠帮忙.郁达夫的点评.只要一段一段.大侠帮忙了.谢谢 世界名著哪个出版社翻译的最好?书的封面最好是硬的精装版,谢谢各位帮忙不好意思暂时没分数了不好意思啊,连分数都没有 100分!哪个英文好的,帮忙翻译一下,在线等,急谢谢两位的解答,虽然问题还没解决,但,大概的意思已明白。谢谢 英语翻译是整首歌歌词对照翻译.我没分了,哪个兄弟给力点翻译下 功夫派傲天快速升级我有个傲天23级,希望有位大侠帮忙带带我,谢谢了.我实在没办法我的米米号:2978935 有没有人会解这道高数题,谢谢帮忙了! 2011年B区工科数学考了64分能过国家线吗?请各位大侠帮忙分析下,谢谢了! Daniel 估计是哪个国家的姓 , 别乱猜 没分了 谢谢 强字开头的一句话谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 急,帮忙翻译下阀芯用英语!想知道水龙头的阀芯用哪个单词翻译比较正确呢?还有一句话想请大家帮忙翻译下呢!A和B这2个产品是不是可以通用的呢?谢谢大家!~