
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/07 09:46:43
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1、a show of paintings,photographs,or other objects that people can go to see(人们去参观的画、照片、或其它的展品)
常用结构:an exhibition of
stage/mount/hold etc an exhibition
an exhibition of black and white photographs(黑白照片展)
The museum is staging an exhibition of Picasso's work.(博物馆正在举办毕加索作品展.)
2、when something such as a painting is shown in a public place(在公共场所展出的画展)(不可数)
exhibition of
She never agreed to the public exhibition of her sculptures while she was still alive.(她活着时不同意把她的雕塑作品展出.)
on exhibition
A collection of paintings by David Hockney is on exhibition at the Museum of Art.(大为.霍克尼油画集正在艺术大厅展出中.)
1、an arrangement of things for people to look at or buy(商店等地方展出物品让人看、让人买)
a display of
a superb display of African masks(非洲面装饰极品展)
a dazzling display (=very good display) of flowers(眼花缭乱的花展)
The window display caught her eye.(橱柜陈列品吸引她的眼球.)
display cases containing old photographs(展品箱子里装的旧照片)
2、a public performance of something that is intended to entertain people(公共场所里表演某东西意在给人以娱乐)
a fireworks display(烟花展)
a display of
a display of juggling(杂耍)
3 on display
a) something that is on display is in a public place where people can look at it [= on show]:(在公共地方展出好让人们看)
Mapplethorpe's photographs were first put on display in New York.(梅普尔索普的照片首次在纽约展出.)
be/go on display
One of the world's oldest cars has gone on display in Brighton today.(世界上一辆最老的车子今天在布赖顿展出.)
b) if a quality,feeling,or skill is on display,it is very clear and easy to notice:(品质、感觉或技能的清楚、明白展现)
The musical talent on display is extremely impressive.(音乐才能的展现给人印象深刻.)