各位大虾这句话是啥意思,小弟学艺不精,You not excellent not excellent,but I love you,because the sea is only blue can very beautiful is very beautiful - BEIYONG

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 02:14:39
各位大虾这句话是啥意思,小弟学艺不精,You not excellent not excellent,but I love you,because the sea is only blue can very beautiful is very beautiful - BEIYONG
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各位大虾这句话是啥意思,小弟学艺不精,You not excellent not excellent,but I love you,because the sea is only blue can very beautiful is very beautiful - BEIYONG
You not excellent not excellent,but I love you,because the sea is only blue can very beautiful is very beautiful - BEIYONG

各位大虾这句话是啥意思,小弟学艺不精,You not excellent not excellent,but I love you,because the sea is only blue can very beautiful is very beautiful - BEIYONG

各位大虾这句话是啥意思,小弟学艺不精,You not excellent not excellent,but I love you,because the sea is only blue can very beautiful is very beautiful - BEIYONG 根据我的考察,许多人的美德都具有玻璃的属性这句话什么意思?请各位大虾帮帮小弟?感激不尽! You are not too unkind kind这句什么意思··这句话是偶然别人跟我说的···我觉得有错误吧 还是我学艺不精 ··· Y我是厨师学艺不精怎么办啊 急求各位大虾用英语翻译句话:这就是命运吧,总是喜欢捉弄人!小弟感激不尽 英语翻译我有一枚戒指,上面据说刻的是藏文,小弟照葫芦画瓢给画下来了,请各位大虾帮忙看看是什么字,小弟不知道字的正反...写错了请多担待这几个字是啥意思?一楼的是白痴,没看明白我 什么叫做学艺不精? M16的8.8级内六角螺栓能承受多大拉力?学艺不精,请大虾指教, 有句话叫不是天长地久只是曾经拥有小弟不知道这是句话怎么说,请各位哥哥姐姐教教我这句话的完整句子 数控车床如何编程.小弟刚学没几天,学艺不精.越详细越好.我刚学3天 数学题一道,各位大虾帮小弟解决 数学题一道,各位大虾帮小弟解决 如何求y=|sinx|+|cosx|的最小正周期?最好是把推理过程写出来.拜托各位大虾了,小弟在此谢过! 英语翻译外贸英语,学艺不精,惭愧啊, 耐克服装上的英文小弟水平有限,这款衣服上的英文built to give you better mileage不知道是什么意思,请教各位大虾 “喷青”是啥意思?是不是骂人的意思?拜托各位了 3Q有那位见多识广的兄台告知,小弟不盛感谢… 谁知道连续示踪剂指什么?学艺不精,特向各位精英寻求帮助,谁知道连续示踪剂指什么? (丁烷) 小弟文盲 这两个字读什么 请各位大虾教下我