
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 02:41:15
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【范文一】Dear friends,Welcome to our school.Now vocation is over.You have become a high school student.Meanwhile,you will start a new life.As a senior three student,I will share my feelings and ideas about high school life in the following.As we all know,the study of high school is important for our life,we should focus our attention on studying .However,it’s an important thing to solve the problem about studying and amateur activities.At the same time,we also should learn to face the pressure from parents and society.If we fully take advantage of the time in class,we will have time to have a rest.Faced with the parents expection,we should make it as motivation.As far as I’m concerned,aas a senior student,we should have our own ideas.What’s more,we had better adapt to the life of high schol as soon as possible.I hope all of us can be admitted to the unversity.Thank you.
【范文二】High school memories
Oh.night after all day's study.Every day I try to push 110% of myself into the grueling study.I took a short nap at noon and then,immediately after that,another period of hard,hard study began.Every day,it just seemed that the classroom,the school canteen,and the dorm were our only hang around...There was no one single minute that our nerves were relaxed.The once-per-month big exam was on the point of killing us.So every day we were preparing for exams.It was all no exaggeration to say that we were not given one second to take a deep breath.
How hard life was!ah...But ridiculous.I didn't even lose 1kg even if life was that hard to me...Sometimes,I just hoped that the college entrance examination test would fall earlier,so that I could be free from all pain.And I didn't want to care about the result.Good or bad,I truly didn't care.I just need freedom and relaxation.Life was killing me at that time...
Just after I took the college examination,which was on the afternoon of June 10,2004,maybe exactly at 11:00,I was elated..I never felt this elated before!At that time,I felt like I am a free girl after being shackled for 1000 years!
At that time,we both screamed out loud!We need the hard scream to give vent to all of our pent-up emotions for a few years!All the years of hard study was in preparation of the 2.5 days' exam.When we came back to the dorm,we just had the strong impulsion to tear apart all books,so that we could feel better.Actually,I was on the point of doing that.But later,I withdrew.I loved books.They were my memories of those tough days.

有关新高中生活不适,如何结交新朋友的英语作文还要给予如何适应新学校和交友的建议 如何结交新朋友的英语作文 如何结交新朋友 英语作文 如何结交新朋友英语作文 英语作文:你的好友林丹不适应高中生活,不知道如何结交新朋友,你用英语给他回封信,提一些建议 英语作文:你的好友林丹不适应高中生活,不知道如何结交新朋友,你用英语给他回封信,提一些建议 结交新朋友的英文 结交新朋友的英文 你朋友到高中来不适应、不知道如何结交新朋友、给他建议的作文 写一篇英语作文 结交新朋友用英语怎么说急 、. 结交新朋友英文怎么说 刚进入新班级如何迅速结交朋友 我不愿再结交新朋友因为我懒得交代之前的人生英语怎么译 英语作文如何结交好的朋友 假如你叫李华,最近,你的好友林丹来信说他升入高中后感觉不太适应,不知道该如何尽快结交新朋友.请你用英语给他回一封信,提出一些建议 80词左右,开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数.Dear Lin DanI 你的英国笔友Linda来信说她搬到一个新城市,生活很单调,给她写封信,劝她多结交朋友,多参加社交活动写一篇英语作文 【英语作文】不少于80字假如你是李华,最近收到你的美国朋友Jenny的来信.她刚转入一所新学校,还不适应新环境,不知如何去结交新朋友,因而情绪低落,现请你给她回一封信 内容应包括:向她 求一篇题目为《如何结交新朋友》的英语作文,150字12个句子老师让写出来 然后背给他听.要通顺.尽量用词简单易背,