急求外文翻译2(内容比较多分为三部份)2. Professor Shepherd has so defined "marginalist provisions" of utility rateschedules (p. 63) as to exclude an important element of rate design which would seem to meet any pragmatic test of mar

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急求外文翻译2(内容比较多分为三部份)2. Professor Shepherd has so defined
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急求外文翻译2(内容比较多分为三部份)2. Professor Shepherd has so defined "marginalist provisions" of utility rateschedules (p. 63) as to exclude an important element of rate design which would seem to meet any pragmatic test of mar
2. Professor Shepherd has so defined "marginalist provisions" of utility rateschedules (p. 63) as to exclude an important element of rate design which would seem to meet any pragmatic test of marginalism:creation of increasingly carefully defined customer classes.Creationof a "more-than-4-family-dwelling" category, for example, enables electric utilities to capture off-peak space heating business for apartment houses, and gas distribution companies to compete for off-peak air conditioning loads. What we have here is a pragmatic response to a situation in which regulated companies find their drive toward "marginalism" impeded by regulatory commissions anxious to prevent addition of nonremunerative, but nevertheless rate base-inclusive, services to the utilities' offerings. This may be marginalism through the back door, but the efficiency gains are just as real.
3. Professor Shepherd observes that "toughness" of the regulatory agency "bears no clear relation to marginalist pricing. . . ." The problem is that "toughness" has been equated by some regulators with insistence on rates based on fully-allocated costs, with all services bearing some proportionate share of capacity costs. The New York Public Service Commission, for example, has consistently frowned upon off-peak marginalist gas and electric rates,a fact which may explain Consolidated Edison's inclusion by Professor Shepherd in his list of companies "which lack any marginalist rates [as he defines that term; see above] in their standard schedules. . . ."(P 65.)
4. Professor Shepherd is somewhat unclear concerning the precise method he would use to price peak-load consumption. He speaks of its "real cost" (p. 8),by which he apparently means a cost which includes capacity charges on a cost- responsibility basis. But today's "real costof power generation," thus defined, will almost certainly be above the "real cost" new generating capacity make this a virtual certainty. I would assume that Proof the future; declining unit costs of adding professor Shepherd would, on reflection, favorrates which cover current and prospective "real costs," rather than higher, historic"real costs." This is, after all, what marginalist pricing is all about. But how then would utilities meet their "revenue requirements"? I would suggest that these might be met from pricing peak supply, not at or above historic marginal cost, but at whatever level demand elasticity studies and prospective marginal costs of off-peak services indicate is appropriate. With marginal cost as a floorj3

急求外文翻译2(内容比较多分为三部份)2. Professor Shepherd has so defined "marginalist provisions" of utility rateschedules (p. 63) as to exclude an important element of rate design which would seem to meet any pragmatic test of mar
2.教授牧羊者已经公用程序 rateschedules 如此定义 "marginalist 准备"(p.63) 对于排除比率会遇见 marginalism 的任何忙碌的测试 :逐渐地小心地定义客户班级的创造设计的一种重要的元素.Creationof"更多 - 比较 -4- 家庭-住处"种类,举例来说,使电力公司能够捕获非尖峰的空间加热生意因为公寓收容,和瓦斯分配公司为非尖峰的空调负荷竞争.我们已经在这里是对一种情形的一个忙碌的回应在哪一管理公司找他们的向被渴望的管制佣金妨碍的 "marginalism" 的推进力避免附加非有报酬的,但是然而估价基础-包含在内的,对公用程序的提供维修.这可能是 marginalism 经过后门,但是效率增益正如是如真正的.
3.教授牧羊者观察管制的代理那一个 "有黏性""对 marginalist 订定的价格熊没有清楚的关系...."问题是 "有黏性" 已经被一些调整者用完全基于的在比率上的坚持使相等-分派了费用,藉由所有的服务举止一些使相称能力费用的部份.纽约公众的服务佣金,举例来说,已经在非尖峰的 marginalist 瓦斯和电的比率之上一致地皱眉头,一种可能联合了他的公司目录的教授牧羊者的爱迪生的包含 " 哪一缺乏任何的 marginalist 率 [ 当他定义术语 ; 在上面看 ] 在他们的标准时间表中的事实...."(P 65.)
4.教授牧羊者是不易了解的某物关于他会使用定最高负荷消费的价格精确的方法.他说到它的真正费用 (p.8),他显然地意谓包括费用的能力费用的费用- 职责基础.但是今天 "真正的 costof 力量世代,"如此定义,将会几乎确定地在新的产生能力使这成为虚拟的确定真正的费用上面.我会承担那证明未来; 倾斜的增加教授牧羊者的单位费用会,在反映 ,包括涌流和有希望的 " 真正的费用 favorrates 上," 并非比较高的,历史性的"真正的费用."这是,毕竟,什么全部大约订定 marginalist 的价格是.但是多么之后然后公用程序会符合他们的 "收入需求" 我会这些从订价的山顶补给可能被符合,不在或在历史性的边缘费用上面,但是在无论什么消除弹力学习的要求而且非尖峰的服务有希望的边缘费用指出是适当的.藉由边缘的费用如 floorj3

急求外文翻译2(内容比较多分为三部份)2. Professor Shepherd has so defined marginalist provisions of utility rateschedules (p. 63) as to exclude an important element of rate design which would seem to meet any pragmatic test of mar 急求一篇英文文献内容关于工程管理造价管理,2000字做外文翻译用的, 英语翻译急求一份单级斜齿圆柱齿轮减速器设计外文翻译 求5000字的媒介融合外文翻译?急 急求一篇关于 市场拓展外文翻译文献 外文翻译什么工具翻译比较准确 英语翻译翻译内容是:注:课程分为三种几分方式:1、合格与不合格 2、百分制 3、五级制 (200分)请高手帮忙提供一篇汽车内容的外文翻译(3000字)?有原文和译文 3000字左右 谢谢! 关于外文就是外国的文献.急,拜托各位了! 急求广告外文文献及翻译,只有外文文献也行!3000字到4000字 急求关于电子类的外文翻译!加30分啊.急 关于PLC的外文翻译参考文献?急 求一篇模具方面的外文翻译,3000字左右,急,发到baiyunfei2010@126.com,谢谢 急求一篇关于旅游的英文文章,论文要求的外文翻译那种 急求有关我国银行中间业务的发展与创新的外文翻译 3000字 急求信用担保的外文翻译,中文和英文都写出 外文翻译,求高人帮忙翻译一下!急!谢谢!The thermal behaviour of TiO2-WO3-V2O5 catalysts with various vanadia contents (1, 2 and 3 wt.% V2O5) was investigatedusing X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Raman spe 一共2道大题!8道小题!急 1.求阴影部份面积大小.(6) 2求下面图形阴影部分的面一共2道大题!8道小题! 1.求阴影部份面积大小.(6)2求下面图形阴影部分的面积和周长(2) 平面内的一条直线可把平面分成2部份,2条直线最多可以分为4部份,n条直线最多可分几部份.答案要非常详细,非常感谢.