英译中3段(1)It was a weekend in summer and all the town trains were overcrowded.An old man was walking along in the carriage,looking for a vacant seat.Suddenly he saw one and got in.A small bag was lying on the seat and a well-dressed man was sit

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/04 03:15:54
英译中3段(1)It was a weekend in summer and all the town trains were overcrowded.An old man was walking along in the carriage,looking for a vacant seat.Suddenly he saw one and got in.A small bag was lying on the seat and a well-dressed man was sit
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英译中3段(1)It was a weekend in summer and all the town trains were overcrowded.An old man was walking along in the carriage,looking for a vacant seat.Suddenly he saw one and got in.A small bag was lying on the seat and a well-dressed man was sit
It was a weekend in summer and all the town trains were overcrowded.An old man was walking along in the carriage,looking for a vacant seat.Suddenly he saw one and got in.A small bag was lying on the seat and a well-dressed man was sitting beside it.
Mrs.Brown’s old grandfather lived with her and her husband.Every morning he went for a walk in the park and came home at half past twelve for his lunch.But one morning a police car stopped outside Mrs.Brown’s house at twelve o’clock,and two policemen helped Mr.Brown to get out of the car.One of them said to Mrs.Brown:“The poor old gentleman lost his way in the park and called us for help,so we sent a car to bring him home.”
My brother,Bob,has a very good job at a bank.Last week,to my surprise,he told me that he had decided to give it up.I tried hard to make him change his mind,but Bob wouldn’t listen to me.Here is the dialogue between us.
--You should think it over.You’ve already spent five years there and you might become a bank manager by the time you’re thirty.
--I know.I’m satisfied with the bank.It’s a nice job at a nice place.
--Then why do you want to leave?
--It’s the money.
--But you are well paid.
--I don’t mean that.My job is to count money,you know.I feel unhappy when I do that.
--But why?
--I enjoy counting my own money,but I hate counting other people’s.

英译中3段(1)It was a weekend in summer and all the town trains were overcrowded.An old man was walking along in the carriage,looking for a vacant seat.Suddenly he saw one and got in.A small bag was lying on the seat and a well-dressed man was sit
1 这是夏日的一个周末,镇上的火车都爆满了.一个老人在车厢内走着,试图找到一个空座.忽然,他发现了一个空座并要坐过去.那个座位上有一个小包,包的旁边坐着一个衣着得体的男人.
2 布朗夫人的老祖父和布朗夫人及她的丈夫住在一起.每天早晨他都要到公园去散步并且在十二点半的时候回家吃午饭.但有一天早晨,在十二点的时候,一辆警车停在了布朗夫人家门外,两名警察帮着布朗先生从车里出来.其中一个警察对布朗夫人说:“这个可怜的老师绅士在公园中迷路了,然后向我们求助,于是我们派了辆车把他送回家.”
3 我的兄弟鲍勃,在银行有一份很好的工作.上周,很让我意外的是,他告诉我他已经决定要不干了.我很努力地试图说服他改变主意,但鲍勃根本不听.以下是我们对话的内容.