
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:40:29
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The selection of, packaging after said
Depending on the customer's packaging requirements, choose the corresponding packing bags, and according to the size of the packing bag capacity choose appropriate range of electronic said
2, after called electronic calibration
Before each class will be used by the compound called electronic calibration according to the requirement of the electronic scale calibration specification, at the same time check whether there is any abnormal on electronic said appearance, display, etc, ensure qualified using electronic scale
3, set the weight
According to the packaging requirements set packing machine online called corresponding weight value of online weighing due to the effect of various factors, all each package online weight is just a reference value, need often after packaging by a compound called comparing weight for online weight adjustment
4, according to online calibration
Operators use online need to self correcting operation before said packaging machine, small package with external forces exerted a certain load, look to whether can after no-load zero; Bag installed to use leather, see whether normal operation, each device repeat 3 times, see if equipment display numerical stability. (abnormal records)
5, the production process
Production process according to the online called heavy numerical answer the talcum powder
6, production control weight
(1), in the process of meet with talcum powder, production personnel are aware of the packing machine online called display value, after reaching set weight value, should stop immediately after talcum powder, and packaging method according to the rules in the packet by mouth
(2), the weight to set the automatic stop device, can be regular inspections
7, after said
(1), each shift production after the first a pack of all want to say
(2) a tray should be random, small packaging requirements per shift production after said 2 package, less than a pallet also according to the sampling 2 package. Each class monitor sampling quantity (set by the factory director according to production situation)
(3), bag production requirements each package needs to be said
8, weight adjustment
(1), packet said if any difference with the standard weight, the weight to increase sampling quantity, and weight to the packing of the production before to say, at the same time by reducing the packing bag of talcum powder weight method to achieve consistency of packaging weight
(2), such as after bag after said, found that has difference with standard weight, through the scene to add or reduce talcum powder in packaging method to achieve the consistency of weight
9, heavy value adjustment
Such as after said found in the process of packaging weight and setting weight difference is bigger, adjusted online according to set value
10, records
Workshop after said records as required, and meet the requirements according to the number of, and timely submit the record;
1, after said to keep the bags clean, reduce the attachment of packaging weight
2, after said electronic scale to keep clean, cannot have sundry, impact according to operation
3, after said process must pay attention to the light to take light put, do not say to electronic impact damage
4, the calibration weights shall be carefully kept, shall not damage effects on electronic calibration
5, when use electronic scale best can put home, prevent should position the ground uneven effects on complex said
6, electronic said to regularly check and self-calibration, and keep relevant records, so as to check it.
7, electronic said had better shock absorption treatment, reducing vibration effects on complex said

英语翻译1、包装复称的选择根据客户包装要求的不同,选择相应的包装袋,并根据包装袋容量的大小选择合适量程的电子称2、复称电子称校准每班前都要对所使用的复称电子称按电子称校准规 如何根据包装产品选择热收缩膜的厚度 英语翻译尺寸都是根据合同来的,如果每个客户要求的都不一样,我们就得每次重新刻板,重新印刷包装,所以我们目前还没有更换包装的想法. 英语翻译做包装的英文 翻译1句英语:产品已经在包装了,其他客户今天不能出货.请根据明天的在库数安排出货吧. 包装方式的选择有哪些? 英语翻译要印刷在包装上面的,所以不能确定, 产品离不开包装,那么根据包装物和用途的不同,我们选择的包装材料也不尽相同,请问常见的包装材料有哪些? 英语翻译公司专业为客户提供全方位的环保包装一体化解决方案及全线产品的配套服务,努力创建供、需以及最终客户三赢的模式.公司通过了ISO9001、ISO14001和OHSAS18001认证,具有危险品包装生产 英语翻译客户包装里的词语要标成西语,担心用翻译工具会出错,spanish voice command 翻译成西语.11点半就要给客户确认. 对于物品包装的看法你在选择商时是否注重包装?过度包装会造成哪些后果? 英语翻译包装线材 英语翻译翻译:包装说明 某包装车间要包装726双皮鞋,已经包装了285双,剩下的如果每小时包装49双,还要做几个小时才能包装完? 包装纸箱如何选择材质 英语翻译摘要:包装设计与平面设计的关系是相辅相成的,包装设计不是一般的平面设计,它既是平面设计又区别于一般的平面设计.商品包装包含了销售包装设计、运输包装设计、包装工艺设 英语翻译我要跟客户确认一下是不是独色包装,一个颜色十卷,250Y/CTN.用英文怎么说好另外分组分色,分组独色包装英文怎么说 包装明星的“包装”怎么翻译啊?