英语翻译2.你最好早点回家(two ways)3.你不听从你父母亲的建议是固执的翻译词组:1.感到压抑和生气选择:1.There's no chalk.Who would like to____some for me?A.bring B.get C.take D.catch2.Yesterday my father____ho

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:43:40
英语翻译2.你最好早点回家(two ways)3.你不听从你父母亲的建议是固执的翻译词组:1.感到压抑和生气选择:1.There's no chalk.Who would like to____some for me?A.bring B.get C.take D.catch2.Yesterday my father____ho
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英语翻译2.你最好早点回家(two ways)3.你不听从你父母亲的建议是固执的翻译词组:1.感到压抑和生气选择:1.There's no chalk.Who would like to____some for me?A.bring B.get C.take D.catch2.Yesterday my father____ho
2.你最好早点回家(two ways)
选择:1.There's no chalk.Who would like to____some for me?
A.bring B.get C.take D.catch
2.Yesterday my father____home late at night.
A.got to B.arrived in C.reached at D.got

英语翻译2.你最好早点回家(two ways)3.你不听从你父母亲的建议是固执的翻译词组:1.感到压抑和生气选择:1.There's no chalk.Who would like to____some for me?A.bring B.get C.take D.catch2.Yesterday my father____ho
His advice is valuabel to us,and it deserves our acceptance.或者 His suggestions are very valuable to us,and we should accept it. 
You'd better go come soon.或者 You had better go home as soon as possible. 
feel depressed and angry
B get 为我拿一些
D get home 固定用法


1 he's advice is useful for us,and it's worth for us accept it
2 you should better back to home earlier/it's better for you to back home earlier.
3 it's obstinate for you to not to listen to your parents
4 b
5 d

1. His suggestion is worthy for us to accept.
2.You'd better go home early./ You should come home sooner.
3. Feel depressed and angry.

你最好早点回家的英文 英语翻译今天晚上不回家时间了,你早点休息 英语翻译2.你最好早点回家(two ways)3.你不听从你父母亲的建议是固执的翻译词组:1.感到压抑和生气选择:1.There's no chalk.Who would like to____some for me?A.bring B.get C.take D.catch2.Yesterday my father____ho 我等你回家 英语怎么说我等你回家 / 你晚上能早点回家么?英语翻译下 谢谢哈. 英语翻译你的母亲希望你早点回家Your mother hoped you to come home earily 我想你最好打车回家的英语翻译. 你为什么不早点回家(翻译成英文) 一、英汉互译1、Has he caught the train to london?2、They went to Shanghai two days ago.3、What time will you finish this work?4、He has been to several countries in the world.5、we will fly to Paris next week.6、你最好早点回家.7、 你最好马上回家.你明天最好不要迟到.用英语翻译 “早点回家”用英语怎么说 英语翻译1.下次你应该早点来这里.2.你最好不要单独去游泳.3.让我们开始讨论这个话题吧.4.这箱子太重,这小孩子搬不动.5.每天我父亲去上班需要一个小时. 妈妈对我说:“爸爸要出差了,你放学早点回家.”(改为转述句) 妈妈对我说:你放学后早点回家 改为第三者转述 么你早点休息,我吃饭去了?英语翻译 你准备什么时候回家?英语翻译 英语翻译:顺路送你回家 放假早点回家 用英语怎么说 你现在最好开车回家.英文翻译