
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 19:21:19
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当一个成年人真不好.你必须在中午之前起床,独自去杂货店,并努力保有一份稳定的工作.时常说的工作,就需要你在多人(至少多于两个人)面前做报告.而且有些工作甚至需要你面对满礼堂热情的观众做演讲.我们在这里说“工作”,因为我们假定你不是一个很有抱负的第三世界国家的独裁者.既然你可能不是国家安全局人员,那么冒汗、发抖、起麻疹等反应可能会出现在演讲过程中而成为演讲的主要的障碍.但不要害怕.我们所做的研究,将有助于你成为一个更好的公众演说者,现在你需要做的就是直接应用我们已经找到的黄金法则.1.Confidence 自信 Faith in yourself, your topic, and your general sanity is a must if you are to be a better public speaker. Many speakers are not prepared and lose confidence because of that. But others lack confidence because of the high school bully factor. They are afraid of being judged -- and possibly made fun of -- just like they were in high school speech class when they sweated profusely and peed a little. Yes, that’s the mature world we live in. Build your confidence by utilizing all your tools and knowing that you are the cock of the public speaking walk. Read on...
Tip: Listen to “Eye of the Tiger” before you take the stage. It’ll get you jacked up.
小提示:在你登台演讲之前,听听”Eye of the Tiger”这首歌,将会使你激情澎湃,信心大增.2.Know What’s Up 弄清主题 You have to know your topic inside and out. Nothing kills your speech like ‘um’ and ‘uh’ littering every sentence. Research your subject to the point where you are an expert -- or at least not a bumbling idiot. You were likely picked to make this speech because you know remotely something about the topic, so that’s half the battle. Now get in there and learn every facet of the beast. Your speech will be crap if you half-ass it and your audience will start throwing rotten tomatoes at you. Well, they could if they wanted. We would.
你需要彻底弄清你的主题.绝不能因每句都出现 “嗯”、“啊”之类的语气词而毁掉你的整个演讲.研究你在行的课题论点——至少不要像个结结巴巴的白痴.你被选出来做这个演讲可能是因为你对这个主题深有了解,那这就有了成功的一半.马上去学习了解这个主题的方方面面.如果你自己都讲不通,那你的演讲将会是垃圾,而且你的听众将会向你扔烂西红柿.嗯,如果他们想要,他们会那样做的.我们会的.
Tip: Flashcards.
小提示:准备一些小卡片.3.Practice 提前排练 Researching and knowing your topic is one thing, but actually delivering that information is a whole different ball of wax. When the lights go down and the spotlight is on you, no matter how much you know your topic, conveying the information suddenly seems daunting. Practicing your speech beforehand is a must. You will find your beats, your direction, and where to drop the F-bombs, through hours in front of the mirror rehearsing your own personal Gettysburg Address. So when you climb up on stage, it will be like riding a bike. Unless you don’t know how to ride a bike.