如何确定长难句中“and”并列的成分?下面几句话该怎么理解,能划分句子结构最好!e.g.1Sting Ray represents the first generation of programmable torpedoes and attention has been turned to the problems how to harness the vast

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:58:45
如何确定长难句中“and”并列的成分?下面几句话该怎么理解,能划分句子结构最好!e.g.1Sting Ray represents the first generation of programmable torpedoes and attention has been turned to the problems how to harness the vast
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如何确定长难句中“and”并列的成分?下面几句话该怎么理解,能划分句子结构最好!e.g.1Sting Ray represents the first generation of programmable torpedoes and attention has been turned to the problems how to harness the vast
Sting Ray represents the first generation of programmable torpedoes and attention has been turned to the problems how to harness the vast computer powers now available with their associated software programs,how to package the maximum computer power in the smallest possible space ,and how to improve still further the processing and filtering techniques so vital to exclude extraneous noise and vibration.
The coming of age of the postwar baby boom and an entry of women into the male-dominated job market have limited the opportunities of teen-agers who are already questioning the heavy personal sacrifices involved in climbing Japan's rigid social ladder to good schools and jobs.

如何确定长难句中“and”并列的成分?下面几句话该怎么理解,能划分句子结构最好!e.g.1Sting Ray represents the first generation of programmable torpedoes and attention has been turned to the problems how to harness the vast
Sting Ray represents the first generation of programmable torpedoes (and1) attention has been turned to the problems (that1)how to harness the vast computer powers now available with their associated software programs,(that2)how to package the maximum computer power in the smallest possible space ,(and 2)(that3)how to improve still further the processing (and3) filtering techniques so vital to exclude extraneous noise and vibration.
and1连接两个并列句,即Sting Ray represents the first generation of programmable torpedoes 和后面的整个部分
The coming of age of the postwar baby boom (and1)an entry of women into the male-dominated job market have limited the opportunities of teen-agers who are already questioning the heavy personal sacrifices involved in climbing Japan's rigid social ladder to good schools (and2)jobs.
and1连接的是两个较长的主语,即The coming of age of the postwar baby boom ,an entry of women into the male-dominated job market
and2连接的是两个词,即good schools ,jobs.

please speek chinese !

Sting Ray represents the first generation of programmable torpedoes | split |
the "and" connects the problem raised
and attention has been turned to the problems how to harness the vast comp...


Sting Ray represents the first generation of programmable torpedoes | split |
the "and" connects the problem raised
and attention has been turned to the problems how to harness the vast computer powers now available with their associated software programs, | split |
the next phrase raise the second question, continuing with the first
how to package the maximum computer power in the smallest possible space , | split |
the next phrase goes deeper with the question
and how to improve still further the processing and filtering techniques so vital to exclude extraneous noise and vibration.
The coming of age of the postwar baby boom and an entry of women into the male-dominated job market
have limited
the opportunities
of teen-agers
whose opportunities
who are already questioning the heavy personal sacrifices involved in climbing Japan's rigid social ladder to good schools and jobs.
what kind of teenagers


如何确定长难句中“and”并列的成分?下面几句话该怎么理解,能划分句子结构最好!e.g.1Sting Ray represents the first generation of programmable torpedoes and attention has been turned to the problems how to harness the vast 如何确定酒精的成分 这是并列句,还是简单句..1.I like playing basketball and swimming .有说是简单句的,也有说是并列句的.and可以连接前后两个并列成分,在简单句里面也是可以有and的吧.1.这个句子是什么句子,麻烦看下..2 and连接的两个并列成分的谓语动词的单复数情况 用and并列成分前后结构必须一样? 在英语中几个并列成分and怎么用,例如,翻译时要结合具体语境、 考虑一下他的性格特点、 对什么样的人说的这话..都用and 连接还是只在最后两个并列成分之间用and . and连接的并列成分Peter has to stay at home and studies for his Chinese test.这里为什么用studies不用study,and不是连接并列成分吗,前后应该都是动词原型啊 煤干馏过程中最终的煤气成分如何确定? 并列连词连接的两个并列成分是否要词性相同?除此外,并列成分还要满足什么条件? 句型语法There is no denying entitlement and minimizing overall occupancy costs are valid consideration.哪些成分是并列的? 如何看懂铁碳相图?如何确定铁碳合金的相变点?如何确定某一成分合金在某一温度下的确切的组织和相组成? it became the biggest and earliest company that.在这个句子中,为什么是 and earliestand 可以并列主谓宾,但这里为什么是这样?怎样判断一个句子中并列的应是什么成分? 请问含镍成分如何确定 急,英语中的并列句两个或多个独立的“主谓结构”或“简单句”并列在一起的成为并列句:如果并列成分是两个的话,如:1.Jim worked hard in college and later he become an crchitect.2.He is tall and beautiful. Think of me and I‘ll be there 请高人帮忙分析下这句话应该如何理解呢?1.两个并列句 祈使句 Think of me 和 I’ll be there 的并列2.从句 Think of me 可以看做是 If you think of me and I‘ll be there 遵循主将从现 任重而道远是并列还是递进?请确定的人说~ 英语并列句cells were divided into 3 groups and were incubated with lentivirus,请问后面的一个were可以省略吗?请解释一下并列时可省略成分的原则. 并列段的作文如何写