and so on在句中什么成份.这句的句子成份是Soon the errors will have multiplied to the ten-foot scale,and so on up to the size of the globe.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:56:06
and so on在句中什么成份.这句的句子成份是Soon the errors will have multiplied to the ten-foot scale,and so on up to the size of the globe.
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and so on在句中什么成份.这句的句子成份是Soon the errors will have multiplied to the ten-foot scale,and so on up to the size of the globe.
and so on在句中什么成份.这句的句子成份是
Soon the errors will have multiplied to the ten-foot scale,and so on up to the size of the globe.

and so on在句中什么成份.这句的句子成份是Soon the errors will have multiplied to the ten-foot scale,and so on up to the size of the globe.
Soon [状语]
the errors will have multiplied to the ten-foot scale,
 ((and so on)[插入语] up to the size of the globe)[状语,表示程度].
and so on以此类推,在句子中可以算插入语.
up to ...直到...(表程度)

and 是起到连接作用,连接前后句。
so on 是在这里是“如此继续,以此类推”的意思,so on是指代前面的句子 "the errors will have multiplied",这里用了 so on 指代就不需要在重复前面的句子了。
整句话补充完整,而不用so on是这样的:soon the errors will have multiplied to the ten-fo...


and 是起到连接作用,连接前后句。
so on 是在这里是“如此继续,以此类推”的意思,so on是指代前面的句子 "the errors will have multiplied",这里用了 so on 指代就不需要在重复前面的句子了。
整句话补充完整,而不用so on是这样的:soon the errors will have multiplied to the ten-foot scale and then the errors will have multiplied up to the size of the globe. 这里 "the errors will have multiplied" 显得重复又啰嗦,所以要用so on来指代。


成份就是errors multiply

and so on在句中什么成份.这句的句子成份是Soon the errors will have multiplied to the ten-foot scale,and so on up to the size of the globe. 72: they now depend on more than ever on foreign aid. more than ever on.. 在句中成份是什么? 比较基在句中做什么成份比较基在句中通常做什么成份,能否举个例子. 不及物动词的用发不及物动词一般在句中充当什么成份?跟在什么词后 74:nobody is sure where and when the expression apple pie order began .where and when 从句的成分where and when the expression apple pie order began 在句中充当什么成份呀? 99:in american higher education--在句中什么成份?99:we discuss academic titles in american higher american higher education--在句中什么成份? attached pls find the report attached 在句中是什么词性,什么成份?attached pls find the report,attached 在句中是什么词性,什么成份? It is necessary for him to do so.中的for him在句中是什么成份?主语补足语吗? when the street lights go on entirely,they make a beautiful picture,so different from the daytime那个应该是填entirely把. 不过我主要是想问so different from the daytime在句中担任什么成份?是从句还是说是定语. I turned round.这句话是主谓宾吗?每个单词在句中充当什么成份 [英语中]状语修饰句中什么成份? 感同身受这个成语在句中一般做什么成份?拜托拜托 英语中“AND ”和“SO”的连用问题两句因果关系的句子,可以在说完原因后,用“and so”接下句呢,还是直接用“so ”接下句? 请问如何划分此句的主谓宾?boys and girls ,let's go to school.一定要说出let在句中做什么成份! whose shirt is that中whose的用法在句中的成份及用法 And I'm a always be there for youalways在此句是充当什么成份?名词? deliver在第二句中什么意思Going into the long program,the top three skaters — Plushenko,Lysacek and Takahashi — were separated by less than one point.So the pressure was on all of them to deliver. a hard questionsoon的用法(句中的位置and so on