这句话应该用when还是where引导The amount of goods transported by water was constant from 1974 to 1978, where it plateaued for about 20 years before starting to rise gradually again.(来自于雅思小作文8分范文)不理解为什么

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 02:11:53
这句话应该用when还是where引导The amount of goods transported by water was constant from 1974 to 1978, where it plateaued for about 20 years before starting to rise gradually again.(来自于雅思小作文8分范文)不理解为什么
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这句话应该用when还是where引导The amount of goods transported by water was constant from 1974 to 1978, where it plateaued for about 20 years before starting to rise gradually again.(来自于雅思小作文8分范文)不理解为什么
The amount of goods transported by water was constant from 1974 to 1978, where it plateaued for about 20 years before starting to rise gradually again.(来自于雅思小作文8分范文)不理解为什么用where引导,from 1974 to 1978不是时间段吗?
那如果把for 20 years去掉,可以改成when/during which period it plateaued吗

这句话应该用when还是where引导The amount of goods transported by water was constant from 1974 to 1978, where it plateaued for about 20 years before starting to rise gradually again.(来自于雅思小作文8分范文)不理解为什么
后边的从句中已经有了时间状语for about 20 years,因此from 1974 to 1978在后边的句子中作地点状语
where=in/on which

我认为 where 这里指的是 in this way by water
用这种运输方式 货运量 稳定了 20年。

按照你的 改法 是对的
when 可以指一段时间
但一般指 不是十分具体 的一段时间 也许是把时间段视为一个整体单位
如 when i was young
所以最好用 during w...


我认为 where 这里指的是 in this way by water
用这种运输方式 货运量 稳定了 20年。

按照你的 改法 是对的
when 可以指一段时间
但一般指 不是十分具体 的一段时间 也许是把时间段视为一个整体单位
如 when i was young
所以最好用 during which


这句话应该用when还是where引导The amount of goods transported by water was constant from 1974 to 1978, where it plateaued for about 20 years before starting to rise gradually again.(来自于雅思小作文8分范文)不理解为什么 请问when在这句话中引导的是什么从句?I haven't seen her since the time when she had the accident.when在这里是引导的定语从句还是时间状语从句呢? when and where 引导的主语从句谓语动词用单数还是复数 It is the farm where I used to work when I was at middle school.这句话里面where引导的句子是定语从句还是强调句?还是主语从句? 用when还是where Ulyanovsk,near where she lives.这句话中where的用法是不是引导定语从句.还是别的用法? Ulyanovsk,near where she lives.这句话中where的用法是不是引导定语从句.还是别的用法 问个从句——>副词从句我在《红色星球》这部电影中看见一个台词where one day algebra would save pur lives这里为什么要用where来引导one day是时间副词应该用as when 之类的连接词来引导吧where是地方 He often visited the nunnery where she lived in after the death of her.这句话是对的还是错的,好像用where引导的从句不要in吧? We should go where the Party needs us most. 请问这句话是where引导的状语从句还是宾语从句?书上写着是状从,我不理解 Jane stopped where a small crowd of men had gathered.这句话是where引导的名词性从句还是定语从句?请给出权威的答案, where/what 可以引导宾语从句么?1.我知道.很多宾语从句都是由that引导的..并且可以省略that.我记得 when / where/ what也可以引导吧?这个句子.Can you tell me where he lives?这句话..后面不是省略that 而是whe 疑问词引导宾语从句时应该怎么用?which what who when why where how if whether这些词在引导宾语从句的时候表示什么意思?怎么用? 请问这句话,I still remember the first time when I met her.when 引导的是宾语从句还是状语从句?when状语从句,怎么会引导定语从句? when and where 引导的主语从句谓语动词用单数还是复数那如果是表语从句呢?eg:the guestion ____(is /are) when and where they live when引导的时间状语从句能用过去式吗比如说when we get(got)home ,my dad goes (went) to the toy shop and buys (bought) a toy dog for me 这句话该用过去式还是单三呢? 请问Do you remember when we first met Susan?这句话中when引导的句子是状语从句还是宾语从句? when and where还是where and when