英译中,医疗服务费用专业.Many health insurance plans now include some “pay for performance” elements in their reimbursement systems,and both public and private plans are in the process of implementing more extensive steps.A number of st

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 07:55:07
英译中,医疗服务费用专业.Many health insurance plans now include some “pay for performance” elements in their reimbursement systems,and both public and private plans are in the process of implementing more extensive steps.A number of st
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英译中,医疗服务费用专业.Many health insurance plans now include some “pay for performance” elements in their reimbursement systems,and both public and private plans are in the process of implementing more extensive steps.A number of st
Many health insurance plans now include some “pay for performance” elements in their reimbursement systems,and both public and private plans are in the process of implementing more extensive steps.A number of studies have evaluated these reforms,with suggestive but not consistent evidence of an effect on costs (reviews include McKethan,Shepard,Kocot,Brennan,Morrison,and Nguyen,2009; Stanford–University of California San Francisco Evidence-based Practice Center,2004).
For example,in 2003,a Medicare demonstration program involving a system of nonprofit hospitals introduced additional payments of up to 2 percent tied to performance on a set of 33 clinical measures for five common chronic diseases,including the percentage of patients with heart attacks who received aspirin promptly,the percentage of patients with pneumonia who were assessed for oxygen status,and
other “process” measures.The demonstration showed significant improvements in most measured aspects of performance after the pay-for-performance program was implemented (Premier,2007; Lindenauer et al.,2007).However,trend comparisons with hospitals that reported on quality without a pay-for-performance program showed that most of this effect was associated with underlying time trends and not pay-for-performance per se.Moreover,while the payment reform appeared
to reduce some hospital complications that could be costly,an effect on overall patient costs was hard to detect,especially after subtracting the costs of the incentive payments (Rosenthal,Frank,Li,and Epstein,2005).

英译中,医疗服务费用专业.Many health insurance plans now include some “pay for performance” elements in their reimbursement systems,and both public and private plans are in the process of implementing more extensive steps.A number of st


英译中,医疗服务费用专业.Many health insurance plans now include some “pay for performance” elements in their reimbursement systems,and both public and private plans are in the process of implementing more extensive steps.A number of st 英译中,医疗服务费用方面的,provider payment reforms in the Affordable Care Act of 2010 included pilot and nonpilot programs to pay more for coordination of care by primary care providers,for reducing preventable hospital readmissions,for r 医疗服务的英语单词是什么?加油. 医疗设备服务有限公司的英文怎么翻译? 英语翻译:一次性足额支付服务费用 【求助达人】◆几句话地道的英语表达1,中国的医疗健康服务在不断改革.目前政府正尝试协助低收入者和年老者支付医疗费用,大部分人购买医疗保险.2,大部分中国人没有私人医生.医院的医 He says that decision is paying off in better health for their people请问此句应如何理解?pay 网站的解释是:他说,这一决定在改善医疗服务上已经初见成效. 英语翻译在医疗服务方面,各种类型的医疗服务提供者,尤其是医院,已经全面走向市场化.来自政府的拨款占其收入的比重已经微不足道,而所谓的“业务收入”,也就是医疗服务收入和出售药品 九重天迷踪蟹如何加盟?费用多少?提供什么服务? 目前世界上施行免费医疗的国家有哪些?媒体称,俄罗斯卫生部长近日在一个医疗媒体论坛上宣布,保证俄罗斯公民将永远在俄罗斯联邦内能够免费享受医疗服务,而且保证医疗服务项目每年都会 英语翻译PreThink International Edu Co.,Ltd 普瑞思国际教育有限公司,提供最专业的多语种翻译服务和留学文书写作服务,留学申请服务,多语言编辑润色服务,出版编辑服务等多元化服务.已在英国,美 he ( )in many shops 求一篇“health care的英语作文,100字左右.关于医疗费用不断攀升,有人因付不 以”health care“为题的 英语作文 关于医疗费用不断攀升 不需要好文采,网上不易找的急记急! 从有关方面获悉,在我市农村已经实行了农民新型合作医疗保险制度,享受医保的农民可在规定的医院就医并按规定标准报销部分医疗费用,下表是医疗费用报销的标准:│ │ 医疗费用范围 │ 高中应用题某城市2002年有人口200万,该年医疗费用投入10亿元.此后该城市每年新增人口10万,医疗费用投入每年新增x亿元.已知2012年该城市医疗费用人均投入1000元. 求:1、求x的值 2、预计该城 某市农村已经实行了农民新型合作医疗保险制度,享受医保的农民可在规定的医院就医并按规定标准报销部分医疗费用,下表是医疗费用报销的标准:医疗费用范围 门诊 住院5000元 5100~20000元 20 某市农村已经实行了农民新型合作医疗保险制度,享受医保的农民可在规定的医院就医并按规定标准报销部分医疗费用,下表是医疗费用报销的标准:医疗费用范围 门诊 住院0~5000元 5100~20000元