阅读理解Children everywhere love toy bears,有5个空

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阅读理解Children everywhere love toy bears,有5个空
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阅读理解Children everywhere love toy bears,有5个空
阅读理解Children everywhere love toy bears,有5个空

阅读理解Children everywhere love toy bears,有5个空
Teddy Bears
Children everywhere love toy bears, and people have been making them for hundreds of years. They also like stories about young bears. Three of the most famous story-book bears are Rupert Bear, Pooh Bear, and Paddington Bear, and most children in Britain and America also know the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Nowadays so many children – and adults too – like toy bears that there are shops that sell only toy bears of all kinds.
Many people call toy bears teddy bears although this name has been used only since the beginning of the twentieth century. The word “Teddy” comes from Theodore and a man called Theodore Roosevelt was the president of the United States from 1901 to 1909. Because people liked him very much, they called him Teddy, and because he had a toy bear they called their own bears Teddy, too.
Choose the correct answer to each question:
1. The story is about _________________________.
A. famous people who like bears B. President Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt
C. toy and story-book bears D. the people who made the first toy bears
2. The first toy bears were made ____________________.
A. one hundred years ago B. at the beginning of the twentieth century
C. a long time ago D. when Roosevelt was president
3. Rupert Bear is the name of __________________________.
A. a bear in a story B. a president of the United States
C. a toy bear D. a shop that sells bears
4. Teddy Roosevelt was ________________________.
A. a bear in a story B. a president of the United States
C. a children’s toy D. a person who made toy bears
5. Toy bears are often called teddy bears because _____________________-.
A. Teddy is another name for bear B. President Roosevelt had a toy bear
C. a man called Teddy had a toy bear D. it is the name of a famous bear in a story