英语翻译The text chosen for output is formatted under software control.This includes centering; This includes centering,left and right justification,and horizontal and vertical spacing on a page.In conventional text preparation,38 percent of all

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 11:59:24
英语翻译The text chosen for output is formatted under software control.This includes centering; This includes centering,left and right justification,and horizontal and vertical spacing on a page.In conventional text preparation,38 percent of all
xURI 71GL̦gYRRJK`h` mBg*J>7KwG2{ι禞+E2`1df ϼ(,G!*0\K, <3=7='[k:%f 7qb=S Q= ٹ ?ıÂ27y.gD_.Cj↦QEYo§+087`7R~yx A~`V,/Ln e1!Ar?E+0pBV ᾳ{8Pq !1wl$_'/(eQ!QclSl{ ?&uI!7J+q \\-)X/5ۥ:>yxH` F# 2f_!@%$p5}/LøEm.v(pZ,[@8KD;GT 5l_4LTBX̲uzFJa3rQ%_/ s` (٧\h@,8;q">Ao4HX6h| a#J eh,s?=s n3!69D 3~} 1|A-"tȢF ZfE $@843+;3'$Pgx^i f iB,<0 ̈~ꁳ<3"n4>d<%7}/0Dފ~E;p KLJkh;6f*-]hD9l`ZܳoϟaCYۍt5Kr/ەl_F{:jzܿP͊ZmO*dU<8[MW%WwZ?C%ZU+۫dO}/^M6jj҈'FgdoK>fܯLssBNu>$mT5T tZM[Y=dO|{)/v&[iKNP-U9dg2:HOFҼ_I:nރ|#1ܷnʮfe6T/ӇMz+pt=AYocP#*}L<"ݺS jM>Q2mt Xru18NLio ~.+ɩ`kdhK𔼼So6S ydѦG%o)h#>DoןSM, ԔGt\7Ф@%]$v:4v*J Oruq d>}J56hR~}5FhiUo/S2lɗ{\=!4#yu|FTz9y9q]v0#ݣP`7&gcY%:qze1 *'HM6Ƹd:; ~QQK3[Y>w6

英语翻译The text chosen for output is formatted under software control.This includes centering; This includes centering,left and right justification,and horizontal and vertical spacing on a page.In conventional text preparation,38 percent of all
The text chosen for output is formatted under software control.This includes centering; This includes centering,left and right justification,and horizontal and vertical spacing on a page.In conventional text preparation,38 percent of all copy goes into the wastebasket because of typewriting errors.The nervousness a typist feels,particularly near the end of a page when an error will require retyping the entire page,is eliminated in word processing since corrections can be made one letter,one word,one line,or one paragraph at a time after the page is typed,the word processor making all the necessary format adjustments for corrections automatically.Insertions and deflations can also be performed easily by one command.A dictionary stored in the memory unit can be referenced quickly to check to check on spelling and syllable divisions.
Text stored in memory,once edited,can be reproduced without mistake,a tremendous saving over conventional typing where each retyped copy is subject to error.However,text in memory may have to be updated or revised.A final check must,therefore,take place after the output text is composed to be sure all editing has,in fact,been done.The document can then be printed.When the text has been prepared on a CRT,a code releases the text from the can be auxiliary memory for later printing in batch mode if desired.

英语翻译The text chosen for output is formatted under software control.This includes centering; This includes centering,left and right justification,and horizontal and vertical spacing on a page.In conventional text preparation,38 percent of all
你写了这么多 肯定写了很久把 呵

案文中所挑选的产量是格式化的软件控制下.这包括围绕这包括围绕,左和右的理据,以及横向和纵向间隔就了一页.在传统的文本编制,有38 %的所有拷贝进入废纸篓,因为打字错误.紧张情绪一打字员的感觉,特别是接近尾声的一个网页的时候,一个错误将需要输入口令整个页面,是消除在文字处理,因为改正,可以取得一信,一个字,一条线,或一个段落的时候,后一页是打字,文字处理机,使所有必要的格式调整,自动更正.插入deflations也可以演出很容易由一个指挥部.一本字典储存在记忆体单元,可参照迅速检查,检查拼写和音节分割.