找出下面复合句的错误!1.There are over fifty students in this school who are going to take part in the sports meeting next Sunday. 第二个句子是 2.It is a beautiful day, and the sun is shining and a breeze is blowing 第三个句子是W

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 20:27:31
找出下面复合句的错误!1.There are over fifty students in this school who are going to take part in the sports meeting next Sunday. 第二个句子是 2.It is a beautiful day, and the sun is shining and a breeze is blowing 第三个句子是W
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找出下面复合句的错误!1.There are over fifty students in this school who are going to take part in the sports meeting next Sunday. 第二个句子是 2.It is a beautiful day, and the sun is shining and a breeze is blowing 第三个句子是W
1.There are over fifty students in this school who are going to take part in the sports meeting next Sunday. 第二个句子是 2.It is a beautiful day, and the sun is shining and a breeze is blowing 第三个句子是We are driving out into the country,and we saw our English teacher riding in a bus,and the bus was crowed. 三个复合句都是有错误的,失态没错 就是主谓宾啊 还是些位置放错了 或者该去掉一些什么的!谢谢大家了

找出下面复合句的错误!1.There are over fifty students in this school who are going to take part in the sports meeting next Sunday. 第二个句子是 2.It is a beautiful day, and the sun is shining and a breeze is blowing 第三个句子是W
1.There are over fifty students in this school who are going to take part in the sports meeting next Sunday.
Over fifty students in this school are going to take part in the sports meet next Sunday.
2.It is a beautiful day,and the sun is shining and a breeze is blowing
It is a beautiful day with the sun shining and a breeze blowing.
3.We are driving out into the country,and we saw our English teacher riding in a bus,and the bus was crowed.
As we were driving out into the country,we met our first English teacher riding in a crowded bus.


找出下面复合句的错误!1.There are over fifty students in this school who are going to take part in the sports meeting next Sunday. 第二个句子是 2.It is a beautiful day, and the sun is shining and a breeze is blowing 第三个句子是W < >there are a fire drill yesterday 找出下列错误的并改正 请找出下列句子的错误(每句仅一处)1.There will be less people there.2.I find it diffcult plan things for myself in a short time. 下面是男孩Ted和他爸爸的一组对话,其中有一些句子出现了表达错误,请你仔细读一读,找出其中的错误并改正A:Ted,where is the big empty boxes?1.__________ B:There are in the next room.2.__________A:Can you bring them 找出下面句子中的错误,并改正在后面的横线上.1.I read a interesting storybook yesterday._______2.I will go to Guangzhou to see my grandma with my family yesterday.______3.There were no factories 50 years ago.There weren't many people 找出下面句中错误的选项,并改正. 下面这段话的错误请找出 If you examine newspapers closely ,you find that there are all sort of newsA new report is usually very short ,excpet it is very important,找出错误 找出下面的错误 Army singed a song for us at that party.Does he at work yesterday morning? 找出下面句子中的错误并改正在后面的横线上.1.We must keep quiet ai the library._______2.There are a fire drill yesterday.________3.We must walk quick down the stairs._______4.They are talked about the weather because they are going ( )look careful.there are three.找出错误的单词,并改正( )look careful.there are three.找出错误的单词,并改正( )do you agree that there is boats there.three.找出错误的单词,并改正 There`s a photo for my family on the desk找出错误并改正How many day are there in a week?找出错误并 Are there a bus stop near here?(找出下列句子中的错误并Are there a bus stop near here?(找出下列句子中的错误并改正) 请找出下面英语句子中的错误并改正?1.there is chair in the romthere is chair in the rom.there is two books on the deskthere is a caps behind the curtainthere are two mouse in front of the schoolbayhow man board are there? How many board are there?找出错误 找出下面句子中的一处错误.Who's bag is that?----- --- ----A B C找出下面句子中的一处错误,并修改过来. 找出错误并改正 There is a air-conditioner in my room. 找出错误并改正:There is going to have a party this evening Were there a subway in Shenzhen 30 years ago?找出句子中的错误并改正