As for有哪些意思?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/28 18:24:02
As for有哪些意思?
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As for有哪些意思?
As for有哪些意思?

As for有哪些意思?
as for
1)用以转换话题:在有前文的情况下as for总是出现在下文的句首,用来引出另外一方或者新的谈话内容,但与前文内容也有一定的联系,起到补充前文又突出后文的作用,使之与前文形成对照,译作“至于”.例如:
①You van have a bed;as for him,he'll have to sleep on the floor.
②Much pasture land is underwater;and as for the grain,most of that has been ruined.
2)用以表现态度:as for还可以用来表示讲话人对某人或某物持有“轻蔑”或“冷淡”的态度,甚至有憎恶之感,讲话时要重读引出的词语并在其后稍作停顿,以示强调,口气上带有嘲讽意味,译作汉语的“至于……嘛”.例如:
①As for you,I never want to see you here in my home again.
②As for his songs,I suppose you've read the sarcastic reviews !