我给老外说can i make a friend with you?他回的you mean a baby?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 16:34:38
我给老外说can i make a friend with you?他回的you mean a baby?
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我给老外说can i make a friend with you?他回的you mean a baby?
我给老外说can i make a friend with you?他回的you mean a baby?

我给老外说can i make a friend with you?他回的you mean a baby?
make friends/a friend with sb 是用于向第三方说明意思用的,表示“与某人交朋友的意思”
如果向对方说,我能成为你的朋友吗?可以用“Can I be your friend?”
如果用你的例句,他误会成“你和他生一个孩子”了 ,中文的理解是“造人”

应该是听错了,所以他才反问YOU MEAN...

我给老外说can i make a friend with you?他回的you mean a baby? 怎么称呼老外与陌生的老外见面,但我想上前打声招呼,叫个朋友``可以这样说吗?hi guy can i make firends with you ```i like you so much~~这样说对吗?i like you so much.这没什么歧义吧?不会让他联想到我暗 i was drunk.i overreacted.i was a 老外喝多了 给我发的. 老外问我 where i can get a massage 按他们的习俗 应该带他们去什么地方 老外说 i have a fun fact for ya 英语翻译老外对我说的,不太明白他说什么,特别是 faver是什么搞不懂,i got the game,can you do me a faver and tell me How you get all that gold pls 和老外交流的简单口语短句经常会遇到老外` 但我只是初中生` 不见得老外的话都听的懂` 在这里像各位请教一下``比如 老外以CAN YOU SPEAK ENGLISH? 来当作开头, 我想说:YES,I CAN 但英文不是特别OK ____(给) some more money,I can make a trip to Beijing.非谓语~ I can make a model plane改错 I can't make a model plane. I snowman can a make.怎么排 fine my girlfriend and i will have a 3some with another guy老外给我发的信息 i want make a song give my girl ,who can help me我想制作一首音乐给我女友,谁有好的主意, still new 有个菲律宾佬给我回了条消息,最后一句是 STILL NEW SRY!hmmm...can send me email?and how can I make an mp3 file?XDstill new sry!这些是他说, 我给老外倒了一杯茶,他说Thank you ,我该说什么 Can you make a ____and____?Yes,I can. I'm hearing what you say but I just can't make a sound具体给翻译一下. confirm offer confirm offer price我已经给老外报价了,老外还这么说是什么意思回复应该怎么说呢