
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 23:13:23
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信用证是指开证行应申请人的要求并按申请人的提示,向第三者开具的载有一定金额,在一定期限内凭符合规定的单据付款的书面保证文件.特别注意信用证的三大限期即EXPIRY DATE AND PLACE,LATEST DATE OF SHIPMENT,PERIOD FOR PRESENTATION.而这次我们依照FOB条款,船上交货价,保险费由进口方支付,风险划分界限是货物在装运港越过船舷,属象征性交货.

The letter of credit is refers to start the card line to be supposed applicant's request and according to applicant's prompt, draws up to the third party carries certain amount, depends on in certain deadline conforms to the stipulation documentary evidence payment written guarantee document.Pays attention to the letter of credit in a big way three by a set time is specially EXPIRY DATE AND PLACE, LATEST DATE OF SHIPMENT, PERIOD FOR PRESENTATION.But this we according to the FOB provision, the ship deliver the commodity price, the insurance premium by the import side payment, the risk division boundary are the cargo in the shipping port overstepping broad side, is the symbolic delivery.

The letter of credit means to open a certificate to go at the request of applicant and press the applicant's hint, gives an itemized lists of toward the third party of carry certain amount of money, i...


The letter of credit means to open a certificate to go at the request of applicant and press the applicant's hint, gives an itemized lists of toward the third party of carry certain amount of money, in the certain term with meet the writing form that the prescriptive voucher pays to promise a document.The three greatest deadlines of special attention letter of credit namely EXPIRY DATE AND PLACE, LATEST DATE OF SHIPMENT, PERIOD FOR PRESENTATION.But this time we according to the FOB item, F.O.B., premium from importing the square pay, risk's dividing the line boundary is goods to cross gunwale in the shipping port and belong to symbol sexual intercourse goods.



中翻英!高分啊!关于外贸的!信用证是指开证行应申请人的要求并按申请人的提示,向第三者开具的载有一定金额,在一定期限内凭符合规定的单据付款的书面保证文件.特别注意信用证的三大限 哪位大大能帮忙翻译一下中国银行的信用证模板,小弟刚刚接触外贸这块,什么都不懂啊, 关于外贸的 外贸函电,中译英信用证的金额错误,应为USD97 954.00而不是97 594.00 关于缩写MOQ 外贸的 外贸术语,即期信用证用英语怎么说? 关于外贸的!信用证是指开证行应申请人的要求并按申请人的提示,向第三者开具的载有一定金额,在一定期限内凭符合规定的单据付款的书面保证文件.特别注意信用证的三大限期即EXPIRY DATE AND 外贸关于付款条件的,中译英,机器别进如果我一开始知道你的付款方式是信用证,我是绝对不会给你 USD1500的,况且在信用证的问题上大多都存在着一些软条款,这对我们是非常不利的.我们以前 外贸函电句子中译英求译:建议采用30%信用证,70%30天付款交单的方式,只有在付清全款后才放单 外贸中,背对背信用证是怎么回事?(back to back L/C) 高分求做几道高数题,关于微积分的, 请问:authorized officer 是在外贸信用证里出现的信用证里是这样写的:beneficiary certificate signed by the authorized officers to the effect that product have been delivered... 读商务英语需要考哪些关于外贸方面的资格证书,一定要考那些证书才可以在外贸行业工作吗考那些证书要复习哪些东西呢?读外贸是不是经年也很重要啊 还有一些关于外贸合同的问题合同里出现了以下一些内容,我不是很明白1.该信用证凭即期汇票及本合同第*条规定的单据在开证行付款这句话我没有看懂,凭汇票和规定的单据,是指交单吗?什么 外贸高手帮下,信用证英语关于不符点处理,要不要付款的in the event that documents presented hereunder are determined to be discrepant ,we may seek a waiver of such discrepancies from the applicant,should such a waiver be obtained, 求助:翻译个句子,关于外贸信用证的1、the amount of presentations under this letter of credit must be endorsed on the back of the letter of credit by the nominated bank.2、the negotiation bank should seng documents to us in one lot by c 信用证最后的trailer 远期信用证(承兑信用证、延期付款信用证和假远期信用证)的区别