
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 21:38:59
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M为男的 F为女
M(单膝跪地):will you marry me,my goddess[词汇]?(拿出戒指) here's the ring,I promise that I will be faithful[词汇] and take up responsibilities[词汇] like a man!
F:oh wow,that's unexpected [词汇]...hum...let me see...
M:Oh,honey[词汇]...the diamond on the ring is not artificial [词汇] like the previous 2 times,and dear,I promise you I will give you anything as far as I can.
F:huh..you really think that high of yourself [词组].Here,listen,I have a boyfriend,and you can never replace [词汇] him.I'm not Juliet,the princess [词],and you're not my prince[词].
M:But dear...Now I'm rich,I have a house and a car...
F:That's called rich?Look at my appearance [词].My fur coat [词] is made from antelope [词],my jewel [词] worth 100,000,000,000 dollars...and you know how much cash [词] I have in my wallet?To be honest,[词],you can never be as rich as my boyfriend.
M:But...I'm still your former [词]boyfriend...
F:Sure you are,and that's nothing!The reality [词] is that I won't marry you even if every other man on the earth die out[词]!
M:If it really happens that I'm the only one left on earth,do you really think I would be with you?Don't be so confident [词] in yourself.And plus it's your boyfriend who's a millionare [词],not you.
F:Oh(笑),thanks for your advice,but it's none of your business in any of this.
M:Hahaha...(笑)You really think I come here because I love you?I'm here because of truth or dare,my friends forced me to do it.Same with the previous two times.I hope I won't see you again from now on [词汇].Have fun with your valuable [词汇] things,just keep in mind that they never really belong to [词汇] you.Happiness never comes from money...
F:What are you talking about?
M:Well..I guess you will never understand...Bye then,I won't miss you:)

A:Hi,long time no see
B:hey, how's it going?
A:nothing much,how about you?
B:well,i've taking math clubs
A:how's it? Is it fun?Is it boring?Is it exciting??
B:you crazy? how can it...


A:Hi,long time no see
B:hey, how's it going?
A:nothing much,how about you?
B:well,i've taking math clubs
A:how's it? Is it fun?Is it boring?Is it exciting??
B:you crazy? how can it be fun when i'm learning somehting i don't like?
A:haha,good for you[嘲笑]...
B:have you been learning anything lately?
A:eh huh~i like drawing very much, so i've been taking painting lessons.it's really fun and the people there was friendly and kind
B:cool..good for you
A:i know..oh no,it's time for mo to go,see ya aroud!
B:bye~have fun


it's so easy..

i say:"fuck you" you say:"thank you"

 tiger:Good morning.lion:what's up,guy.tiger:Did you have breakfast?lion:yes,I did it.tiger:so,let's continue the topic what we talked yesterday.lion:OK,i totally think i'm the king of this forest.tig...


 tiger:Good morning.lion:what's up,guy.tiger:Did you have breakfast?lion:yes,I did it.tiger:so,let's continue the topic what we talked yesterday.lion:OK,i totally think i'm the king of this forest.tiger:No,did you heard an old proverb in china,monkey could be the king just when tiger is not here.so if i'm not the king,the monkey would be the king.lion:it sound reasonable, but I'll not admit defeat. Let's Let us go each sticks to his own view.
  tiger:All right.Byebye,tiny guy.lion:bye,god bless you.中文意思:老虎:早上好,哥们。狮子:你好,小子。老虎:你吃过早饭了么?狮子:是的,我吃过了。老虎:那么,让我们继续昨天的话题。狮子:好的,我真的认为我就是森林中的大王。老虎:不不,你没听说过一句古老的中国谚语么:山中无老虎,猴子称大王。所以即使我不是王,那么猴子也将会是王。狮子:这话还真有道理。不过我是不会认输的,让我们各持己见吧。老虎:那好吧,拜拜,你这个小不点。狮子:再见,愿上帝保佑你。


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