我是雅思考生,写作不强,能不能帮忙批改这篇作文,这作文能不能5或5.13.Food can be produced cheaper if we use improved fertilizers and better machinery.Question:modern machinery and advanced farming techniques,However some of me

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 13:46:25
我是雅思考生,写作不强,能不能帮忙批改这篇作文,这作文能不能5或5.13.Food can be produced cheaper if we use improved fertilizers and better machinery.Question:modern machinery and advanced farming techniques,However some of me
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我是雅思考生,写作不强,能不能帮忙批改这篇作文,这作文能不能5或5.13.Food can be produced cheaper if we use improved fertilizers and better machinery.Question:modern machinery and advanced farming techniques,However some of me
13.Food can be produced cheaper if we use improved fertilizers and better machinery.
Question:modern machinery and advanced farming techniques,
However some of methods may be dangerous for human health.,and have negative effects for local communities.
What is your opinion?
The technique of agricultural is developing at a surprising speed and is solving the problem that the situation of Lacking of food.The destitute people will also have more food to eat and more choices of food can reach a most common household.But meanwhile,many disadvantages are appeared to show that methods are dangerous for human health.
For instance,food poisoning are happening every time in each country.Clearly,it is a serious problem that we should pay close attention when we have the food(with the remnants of chemical composition).especially some of the Contaminated food will do deeply harmful to your health.
Another disadvantage is also happening in our region.The wide use of modern machinery and advanced farming techniques will make the labor be too much.Afterwards ,they will crowd into the town and becoming a building worker ,a baby babysitters and so forth.So the problem comes.firstly,the local customer custom in there hometown will be lost.Secondly,the young children and the elderly will be the Family Left Behind.Mostly,it will be a great misfortune to the child who will not get any treasure from there parents.
Overalls,there is a conclusion that some of the method not only bing much harmful to our health,but also get unwell affection to our local communities and relatives.but that is not to say we should return to the firsthand.On the other hand ,some laws and regulations should limit to problem.the local government must shoulder this responsibility.

我是雅思考生,写作不强,能不能帮忙批改这篇作文,这作文能不能5或5.13.Food can be produced cheaper if we use improved fertilizers and better machinery.Question:modern machinery and advanced farming techniques,However some of me






我是雅思考生,写作不强,能不能帮忙批改这篇作文,这作文能不能5或5.13.Food can be produced cheaper if we use improved fertilizers and better machinery.Question:modern machinery and advanced farming techniques,However some of me 名师浅析:雅思写作考官如何批改 名师浅析:雅思写作考官如何批改 我的雅思作文帮忙批改 评分 新东方批改网 作文批改使用方法,我是问的流程,因为考研作文批改不了,显示不出写作的界面 能不能帮忙推荐一本诗词鉴赏题或者是语文大阅读题的练习册我是北京考生 这两方面比较差劲 不知道哪本的出题思路和北京卷比较相近 好的追加100 雅思考场里有空调吗?我是苏州的考生 雅思作文批改,麻烦各位帮忙批改评分,要求:从语法,连贯性,词汇,内容等雅思评分的四个方面予以批改,分别提出改进提建议,最好是能提出本人写作上存在的一般性问题;另外,每个部分都要 我是A区的考生,经济学类.英语考了56,不知道能不能过国家线? 如何才能够迅速地提高雅思写作水平?我是一名正在积极备考的雅思考生,我目前的短板就是雅思作文,上次一个朋友推荐我去雅思作文救星上学习,说对提高我自己的雅思写作水平非常有帮助, 雅思作文批改 新奇雅思写作卡怎么购买?具体是怎么批改比呢? 一直说新奇雅思有写作批改的 具体怎么弄啊 雅思写作6.5是什么水平呢?我觉得我的写作属于中等偏上,不知道这个分数能不能反应我的写作水平. 英语4级不知道考号怎样查成绩?能不能用身份证号查?如果可以,能不能把网址写下,我是山西考生。 各位能不能帮忙给我这些雅思作文话题的范文,或者是写作思路、结构、素材呢?这是9月雅思写作的慎小嶷预测话题,时间仓促,1 We need more female leaders to create world peace and reduce violence.Do you agree o 各位能不能帮忙给我这些雅思作文话题的范文,或者是写作思路、结构、素材呢?这是9月雅思写作的慎小嶷预1 With international trade increasing,many goods,including goods for daily use such as dairy products,are tra 关于雅思写作 我想在哈尔滨找一个能够专门给批改辅导雅思写作的机构 请给推荐几个呗希望价格不要太高