完形填空、 This was the__________of all her interesting books.a.end b,begin c,last d,start

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 12:04:54
完形填空、 This was the__________of all her interesting books.a.end b,begin c,last d,start
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完形填空、 This was the__________of all her interesting books.a.end b,begin c,last d,start
完形填空、 This was the__________of all her interesting books.a.end b,begin c,last d,start

完形填空、 This was the__________of all her interesting books.a.end b,begin c,last d,start
end 或者 start
得看你这句话上下文 来联系 ,才能选出 是这两个的哪个
我建议你 再问的时候 可以吧天空的前后两句话都打出来 这样可一个读者一个语言环境,才能更准确地帮你选出答案



完形填空:The girl in red__(have)a lovely cat.The__(five)one is very nice. The__(thank)mother was so excited. Paris is one of the__(lively)cities in the world..完形填空请高手给个确切的答案,再讲下其中的语法知识,我将感激不尽! 完形填空、 This was the__________of all her interesting books.a.end b,begin c,last d,start The air was filled with the__ of the flowers When I arrived,the__[frighten]girl was crying. 完形填空 Thick fog was covering The__(many),the__(good) 用括号里单词适当形式填空:1.This is__(Peter and Trancy) classroom.2.Listen to the__(wind).Today is a__(wind) day.3.Here__(be) your balloons.Here__(be) her present.4.Today is the__(two) of September.5.The ugly duckling__(go) into a house. 用所给词的正确形式填空.This English song is __(difficult)to learn than that one.The boy has many__(hobby).Snow White is the__(beautiful) character of the four. 首字母填空This m_____it was cool.This a_____it was very windy. This was the beginning of another ___D___day in New York City .(讲解一下,完形填空中的一题)A working B hot Csame D ordinary The__(one million)visitor to the Expo in Shanghai was lucky to have the chance To our __(surprise),the__(important) of this problem has not been known The__(own)of this dog takes good care of.其中有什么语法?解释一下 选择填空In the__,the tree's shadow is long.a.morning b.afternoon c.noon 完形填空she was only about five thomas edison was a great american inventor 完形填空