
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 10:00:37
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Constantine the Great is the Roman emperor. He is one of the world history first Christian emperor , who had promulgated Milan imperial edict in 313 years, admitted for legitimate and free the Christian religion. And in 330 BC will Roman empire's capital from Rome moved to the Byzantine empire, was renamed Constantinople. In addition, he is a series of reform measures, for the European from slavery society to feudal society's excessive played an important role, he was called the "eternal a western emperor". Is the first emperor of Rome to Christianity. He Christianity and worked out to encourage this teaching development, make many policies from a Christian religious persecution of transformation in Europe for the dominant religion played a significant role. Its main merits are:
  1, abolishing the "four emperor co-govermnet"
  2 and the division of the national for four administrative region, provinces, political reform,
  3, transferring Constantinople,
  4, "Milan forgiveness to make" admit Christianity legal status
  君士坦丁大帝是罗马皇帝.他是世界历史上第一位信仰基督教的皇帝,曾在313年颁布米兰诏书,承认基督教为合法且自由的宗教.并于330年将罗马帝国的首都从罗马迁到拜占庭,将该地改名为君士坦丁堡.此外,他的一系列改革措施,为欧洲从奴隶社会向封建社会的过度起到了重要作用,他被称为西方的“千古一帝”. 是罗马第一位信仰基督教的皇帝.他信仰基督教并制订出鼓励该教发展的许多政策,使基督教从一个受迫害的宗教转变为在欧洲占统治地位的宗教起了重大的作用.其主要功绩有:
  1、 废除“四帝共治”;
  2、 划分全国为四大行政区,行省、军政改革;
  3、 迁都君士坦丁堡;
  4、 “米兰赦令”承认基督教合法地位.