中级微观经济学的问题,跟效用有关的,David has to work in order to earn a living.He is paid an hourly wage.He use his income to purchase various neccessities of life.For the sake of simplicity,suppose that David’s consumption needs are

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 11:16:44
中级微观经济学的问题,跟效用有关的,David has to work in order to earn a living.He is paid an hourly wage.He use his income to purchase various neccessities of life.For the sake of simplicity,suppose that David’s consumption needs are
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中级微观经济学的问题,跟效用有关的,David has to work in order to earn a living.He is paid an hourly wage.He use his income to purchase various neccessities of life.For the sake of simplicity,suppose that David’s consumption needs are
David has to work in order to earn a living.He is paid an hourly wage.He use his income to purchase various neccessities of life.For the sake of simplicity,suppose that David’s consumption needs are fulfilled by one “composite” good called”c“ .He has to divide his time between work and leisure,but he dislikes work and enjoys leisure.He can devote at most 24 hours a day to leisure.Therefore,if he wants to enjoy leisure for L hours,he can work for only 24-L hours.Suppose that David’s preferences for consumption and leisure are given by the utility function U=(C,L)such that he derives positive marginal utility from both commodities.Also suppose that the price of ”c“ is $1 per unit and the wage rate is $w per hour.Further suppose that David’s wage rate of $ w per hour is for the first eight hours a day and he receives an overtime wage of $w‘ per hour for extra time he works,such that w’>w .The relevant budget constraints are shown in the figure.
a.If David’s preferences are represented by an indifference curve like U1 ,would he choose to work for more than eight hours?Explain your answer.b.If,instead,David’s preferences are represented by an indifference curve like U2,would he choose to work over time?Explain your answer?

中级微观经济学的问题,跟效用有关的,David has to work in order to earn a living.He is paid an hourly wage.He use his income to purchase various neccessities of life.For the sake of simplicity,suppose that David’s consumption needs are
大卫工作是为了谋生.他是支付一小时的wage.He用他的收入来购买生活的各个neccessities.为了简单起见,假设大卫的消费需求是一个“复合”好称为“C”履行.他要分他的工作和闲暇时间,但他不喜欢的工作,享受休闲.他可以花24小时,最多一天休闲.因此,如果他想享受休闲的L小时,他能只有24 - L的时间.假设消费和休闲大卫的偏好是由效用函数u =(C和L),使得他来自两种商品的边际效用给予积极的.还假设的“C”的价格是每单位的工资率是每小时$ 1瓦特.进一步假设,大卫的工资率每小时$ W是前8小时,一天,他收到了$加班工资w'的每小时额外的时间,他的作品,使得W“>瓦特.相关的预算约束是如图所示.

中级微观经济学的问题,跟效用有关的,David has to work in order to earn a living.He is paid an hourly wage.He use his income to purchase various neccessities of life.For the sake of simplicity,suppose that David’s consumption needs are 微观经济学,有约束的效用最大化 微观经济学中的效用最大化问题“当每一种商品或服务带给我们的边际效用等于它的价格时.我们的总效用达到最大”和“边际效用为零时,总效用达到最大化”哪句是正确的? 微观经济学,效用论,这个用什么公式推的? 范里安的中级微观经济学-有关购买与销售一章的题目某先生每天有18小时可以选择工作和闲暇.他的效用函数为U(C,R)=CR,其中R为闲暇时间,C为每年消费.如果他每天有19元的非劳动收入,每小时的 中级微观经济学中的问题假定有一户居民拥有财富10万元,包括一辆价值2万元的摩托车,该户居民所在的地区经常发生盗窃,有百分之25的可能摩托车被盗,假定该居民的效用函数是v(w)=ln(w), 一个有关微观经济学的问题在任何情况下,某消费者认为,1杯咖啡喝2杯热茶是无差异的,写出该消费者的效用函数书上有个效用函数的公式 U(x1,x2)=ax1+bx2这里我设X1代表咖啡的数量,X2代表热茶的 微观经济学的相关问题已知某消费者的效用函数为U=XY^4,他会把收入的多数用于商品Y上? 微观经济学基数效用论和序数效用论对于消费者均衡条件的分析有何区别. 如果货币的边际效用等于5,商品的价格为5,在消费者处于均衡的情况下,可以推断出……一道微观经济学的问题A.商品的边际效用等于25B.货币的总效用等于25C.商品的边际效用等于5D.货币的边际 中级微观经济学:交换在两个消费者和两种商品的纯交换经济里,消费者A的效用函数为Ua(Xa,Ya)=3Xa+3Ya,消费者B的效用函数为Ub(Xb,Yb)=Xb*Yb,消费者A位于埃奇沃思方框图的左下角,B位于右上角,那么 微观经济学 效用能否度量? 微观经济学 效用理论 微观经济学中,基数效用的假定是什么?我知道序数效用的假定是消费者偏好,那基数是什么呢?边际效用递减规律贯穿于基数效用,但是其假定是什么? 微观经济学的消费者行为理论问题.一个消费者正购买AB两种商品,其中A商品的边际效用为20,B商品的边际效用为30;而A商品价格是10,B商品价格是20.为使效用最大,该消费者应该?如果商品X对于Y 微观经济学答案26.某消费者逐渐增加商品的消费量,直至达到了效用的最大化,在这个过程中,该商品的 ()A.总效用和边际效用不断增加B.总效用和边际效用不断减少C.总效用不断下降,边际效用不 微观经济学 “在消费者均衡条件下,消费者购买的商品的总效用一定等于他所支付货币的总效用.”这句话错哪了? 一道微观经济学的问题.第七题.