帮看篇高中的阅读理解 有2道题疑惑Watch a baby between six and nine months old,and you will observe the basic concepts of geometry being learned.Once the baby has mastered the idea that space is three - dimensional,it reaches out and beg

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 17:02:50
帮看篇高中的阅读理解 有2道题疑惑Watch a baby between six and nine months old,and you will observe the basic concepts of geometry being learned.Once the baby has mastered the idea that space is three - dimensional,it reaches out and beg
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帮看篇高中的阅读理解 有2道题疑惑Watch a baby between six and nine months old,and you will observe the basic concepts of geometry being learned.Once the baby has mastered the idea that space is three - dimensional,it reaches out and beg
帮看篇高中的阅读理解 有2道题疑惑
Watch a baby between six and nine months old,and you will observe the basic concepts of geometry being learned.Once the baby has mastered the idea that space is three - dimensional,it reaches out and begins grasping various kinds of objects.It is then,from perhaps nine to fifteen months,that the concepts of sets and numbers are formed.So far,so good.But now ominous (不祥的) development takes place.The nerve fibers in the brain insulate (使隔离) themselves in such a way that the baby begins to hear sounds very precisely.Soon it picks up language,and it is then brought into direct communication with adults.From this point on,it is usually downhill all the way for mathematics,because the child now becomes exposed to all the nonsense words and beliefs of the community into which it has been so unfortunate as to have been born.Nature having done very well by the child now becomes exposed to all the nonsense words and beliefs of to this point,having permitted it the luxury of thinking for itself for eighteen months,now abandons it to the arbitrary conventions and beliefs of society.But at least the child knows something of geometry and numbers,and it will always retain some memory of the early halcyon (平静的) days no matter what vicissitudes (变化) it may suffer later on.The main reservoir of mathematical talent in any society is thus possessed by children who are about two years old.Children who have just learned to speak fluently.
我参考了下答案 有2个地方想不通T0T
○A.linguistic future is threatened
○B.nerves will deteriorate (变槽糕)
○C.hearing will suffer
○D.mathematical ability will fall
30.The passage support which of the following conclusions?
○A.The language concepts used in early education interfere with mathematical reasoning.
○B.It is hopeless to try to teach children mathematics after the age of two.
○C.Language teaching should incorporate some mathematical formulas.(公式)
○D.Preschool education should stress society's beliefs and conventions 这里答案是C为什么不是D
第一问题干the use of the word "ominous" shows that the writer believes the child's____
还有第二题 但我不懂为什么d不对 “Nature having done very well by the child now becomes exposed to all the nonsense words and beliefs of to this point,having permitted it the luxury of thinking for itself for eighteen months,now abandons it to the arbitrary conventions and beliefs of society.”now abandons it to the arbitrary conventions and beliefs of society.其中这里不是指初期教育应该教给小孩一些信条和规范么

帮看篇高中的阅读理解 有2道题疑惑Watch a baby between six and nine months old,and you will observe the basic concepts of geometry being learned.Once the baby has mastered the idea that space is three - dimensional,it reaches out and beg
作者说“ominous不祥的事情将要发生了”作者相信此时孩子随着年龄的增长,一系列新听到的东西干扰了他们数学能力的正常发展(后文说From this point on,it is usually downhill all the way for mathematics).
你提到的“Nature having done very well by the child now becomes exposed to all the nonsense words and beliefs of to this point,having permitted it the luxury of thinking for itself for eighteen months,now abandons it to the arbitrary conventions and beliefs of society.”大概意思是“从孩子听得懂周围人说话开始,他们便开始接触很多没有用的东西(nonsense),头18个月的自然接触给了孩子充分自我思考的空间,而从此刻开始,(孩子的思想)便被他所听到的世俗和社会信仰所蛮横的霸占.”后文也提到early halcyon (平静的) days “早期的平静生活(暗指前18个月听不太懂的时候)”和no matter what vicissitudes (变化) it may suffer later on“不管后边受到怎样消极的干扰”.这里的主旨明显是说从18个月从孩子听得懂周围人说的话开始,他们的本来还不错的数学能力的发展受到他们所听懂的周围的语言概念(包括社会信条和规范)的不良干扰.这里作者都是在论述“孩子的数学能力随着年龄增长受到外界干扰”这一论点,题干问作者support以下哪一个,A为最佳选项.至于C和D都是说想要克服这一对孩子数学能力的干扰应该怎么做,可是作者在文中并没有点名.C“早期教育教孩子些数学”或许能解决问题,或许也不能;或者这么说:问题的关键是孩子听到了周围太多对他们数学能力有消极影响的东西,而不是缺乏听到对他们数学能力有积极影响的东西,所以C的方法“或许可行”,但细究之下并不切题并不是作者明确倡导的.D错误更大“早期教育给孩子灌输些社会信条和观念”,文章明确说社会信条和观念对孩子的数学能力有负面影响,选着个是不合适的.