填空 The workers can __ (have)a rext at noon.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:44:28
填空 The workers can __ (have)a rext at noon.
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填空 The workers can __ (have)a rext at noon.
填空 The workers can __ (have)a rext at noon.

填空 The workers can __ (have)a rext at noon.


can 后面加动词原形

用have can是情态动词 情态动词后跟动词原型

Can you get to the farm _ _ _ _ _e?麻烦帮忙做下这道填空题. 填空 The workers can __ (have)a rext at noon. Why _ the workers _ (stop) working yesterday? Thought it is raining hard,the workers keep _ (work) 介词填空You can't put _ the fire _ winePeople often eat turky _ Christmas Eve. 首字母填空的一道题The workers work on w____ 英语填空 our editor gets a lot of letters from our _(英语填空our editor gets a lot of letters from our _(read)every daylisten!the workers are _(讲)about the new machine.we are _(的确)pleased with the players.our parents take_ 这房子太贵了.我买不起.The house is too expensive.I can't _ _.填空 we can _(run) on the grass.用所给词的适当形式填空! 用适当的介词填空 1.You can write down the words _ your notebook. 根据首字母的提示填空,使句意完整.In s_(1)_,the birds s_(2)_,the trees are g_(3)_.the days get _(4)_.I like s_(5)_,because i can s_(6)_.I like summer,because i can wear s_(7)_.A_(8)_ means rain and wet street.It means y_(9)_leaves.W_(10) 根据首字母填空.You can't play games in the classroom ,but you can play o _ I will finish the report as soon as I can的同义句填空(看追问补充)同义句:I will finish the report _ _ _ _.(填空) _ _ _ I can set the table. 用不定代词填空:the work needs many people.there ae fifty workers here,but we need( ) five workers Can you ask and answer questions about other _(place)in the picture?用place的恰当形式填空. Mum will get up early tomorrow _ _ she can catch the first bus.妈妈明天会早早起床,以便 搭上头班车填空 用适当形式填空 It () (take) the workers two years () (build) the tall buildings