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Happy Birthday Means Much More
"Happy Birthday" means much more
Than have a happy day.
Within these words lie lots of things
I never get to say.
It means I love you first of all,
Then thanks for all you do.
It means you mean a lot to me,
And that I'm proud of you.
But most of all,I guess it means
That I am thinking of you
on this very special day,
Happy Birthday.

Poems - Poetry - Song Lyrics

Monday's child is fair of face.
Tuesday's child is full of grace.
Wednesday's child is loving and giving.
Thursday's child works hard for a living.


Poems - Poetry - Song Lyrics

Monday's child is fair of face.
Tuesday's child is full of grace.
Wednesday's child is loving and giving.
Thursday's child works hard for a living.
Friday's child is full of woe.
Saturday's child has far to go.
But the child that is born on the Sabbath day,
Is brave and bonny, and good and gay.
When You Are Old
Written by William Butler Yeats
When you are old and gray and full of sleep,
And nodding by the fire, take down this book,
And slowly read, and dream of the soft look
Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;
How many loved your moments of glad grace,
And loved your beauty with love false or true;
But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,
And loved the sorrows of your changing face.
And bending down beside the glowing bars
Murmur, a little sadly, how love fled
And paced upon the mountains overhead
And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.
When I'm 64
By John Lennon & Paul McCartney
When I get older, losing my hair,
Many years from now.
Will you still be sending me a Valentine
Birthday greetings, bottle of wine?
If I'd been out till quarter to three
Would you lock the door?
Will you still need me, will you still feed me,
When I'm sixty-four.
You'll be older too,
And if you say the word,
I could stay with you.
I could be handy, mending a fuse
When your lights have gone.
You can knit a sweater by the fireside
Sunday mornings go for a ride,
Doing the garden, digging the weeds,
Who could ask for more.
Will you still need me, will you still feed me,
When I'm sixty-four.
Every summer we can rent a cottage,
In the Isle of Wight,
If it's not too dear
We shall scrimp and save
Grandchildren on your knee
Vera, Chuck & Dave
Send me a postcard, drop me a line,
Stating point of view
Indicate precisely what you mean to say
Yours sincerely, wasting away
Give me your answer, fill in a form
Mine for evermore
Will you still need me, will you still feed me,
When I'm sixty-four.
Poem for Molly抯 Fortieth Birthday
"Why do you
have stripes
in your forehead,
Are you
Not old.
But not so
that I cannot
the world contracting
upon itself
& the circle
at the end.
As the furrows
in my brow
I can see
sinking back
into that childhood
I walked along
with my grandfather,
thinking he was old
at sixty-three
since I was four,
as you are four
to my forty.
Forty years
to take
the road out . . .
Will another forty
take me
Back to the street
I grew up on,
back to
my mother抯 breast.
back to the second
world war
of a second
to the cradle
I am young
as you are
yet with stripes
in my brow;
I earn my youth
as you must earn
your age.
These stripes
are decorations
for my valor--
forty years
of marching
to a war
I could not declare,
nor locate,
yet have somehow
I begin
to unwin,
the sleeves
of care
that have
stitched up
this brow,
the threads
that have kept
me scared,
as I pranced
over the world,
seemingly fearless,
without a net,
if I fell
it would
only be
into that same
childhood street,
where I dreaded
to tread
on the lines--
not knowing
the lines
would someday
on me.
when you are forty,
read this poem
& tell me:
have we won
or lost
the war?


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