
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 02:59:38
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Hi.26 dollar is too high for the shipping charge.It's about 10 dollar to deliver 3 CD from the US to China.Would you reduce the shipping charge?Thank you very much.

usd26 freight is too expensive,the freight of three CD from usa to china is about usd10. thank you for your revising the freight once again

Hi, the postage of 26 dollars is too expensive, I know that the peice of 3 CD send to China is about 10 dollars, pls amend the postage again. tks

Hello. I think charging 26 dollars postage is too expensive. The cost of sending 3 CDs from US to China should be around 10 dollars. Would you please lower the postage? I sincerly appreciate your help.

Hello, 26 dollars postage have been too high ,3 CD mails to China's postage from US probably about 10 US dollars. Bother you again the postage revision under, thanks a million.


Hello, 26 dollars postage have been too high ,3 CD mails to China's postage from US probably about 10 US dollars. Bother you again the postage revision under, thanks a million.
Hello, 26 dollars of postage is too high, 3 CD sent to China from the United States postage will probably be around 10 dollars.Please modify the postage, thanks a lot for me.


Hello, I think charging 26 dollars postage is too expensive. The cost of sending 3 CDs from US to China should be around 10 dollars. I preciate it if you amend the postage.

就一句中文译成英文,请英语高手进来,译得好再加高分我译的如下,机器译得就不要来了,不要让外国人看笑话.请问能不能够邮寄到中国?邮寄到中国的运费是多少? 就一句中文译成英文,请英语高手进来,译得好再加高分26美圆的邮费太高了,3张CD从美国寄到中国的邮资大概在10美圆左右.麻烦您再把邮费修改下吧,机器译的就不要来了,不要让外国人看笑话啊 一句中文译成英文,有点难度,请英语高手进来,译得好再加高分你寄的CD为什么没有CD盒,而且包装简陋,仅仅只用了一个普通的信封,导致CD磨损严重,几乎成为废品.而且你收了8美元的国际挂号包 把“请进来!”用中文翻译成英文 英语翻译请哪位天才+高手帮我翻译成英文:我知道你得英语很好,但是我想在这里中文就足够了.. 英语翻译请英语高手翻译成英文. 英语翻译请英语高手翻译成英文. 英语翻译请英语高手翻译成英文. 英语翻译公司中文名为“明媚”,请高手翻译成英文, 有句话要请高手帮忙翻译成英文!中文:如有不符,请在“列明不符事项”处列明不符事项.翻译成英语,不胜感激! 请英语高手帮我把中文名翻译成英文 英语翻译请英语高手进来,帮下, 请进来坐翻译成英语 英语翻译请:英语高手翻译成中文,.然后...请.用英语.作答? 英语高手请进,英文译成中文can I have the brochure on these items.翻译成中文, 请高手帮我把中文的名片翻译成英文的 请高手帮忙帮下面中文翻译成英文 圣地建设集团有限公司 请高手帮助把中文公司名翻译成英文,深圳市得意智能科技有限公司