This may not be allowed in a future release.这是matlab程序中出现的warning ,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 15:56:18
This may not be allowed in a future release.这是matlab程序中出现的warning ,
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This may not be allowed in a future release.这是matlab程序中出现的warning ,
This may not be allowed in a future release.这是matlab程序中出现的warning ,

This may not be allowed in a future release.这是matlab程序中出现的warning ,
mcc 命令
help mcc
MCC Invoke MATLAB to C/C++ Compiler (Version 4.7).
MCC [-options] fun [fun2 ...]

Prepare fun.m for deployment outside of the MATLAB environment.
Generate wrapper files in C or C++ and optionally build standalone
binary files.

Write any resulting files into the current directory, by default.

For all targets except standalone, if more than one M-file is
specified, a C or C++ interface is generated for each M-file.
The only exception to this rule is when the file is specified
with a '-a' flag.

If C or object files are specified, they are passed to MBUILD along
with any generated C files.

If conflicting options are presented to MCC, the rightmost conflicting
option is used.


a <filename> Add <filename> to the CTF archive. If the specified file
is an M, mex or p file, this function will not be exported in the
resulting target.

b Generate an MS Excel compatible formula function for the
given list of M-files (requires MATLAB Builder EX).

B <filename>[:<arg>[,<arg>]] Specify bundle file. <filename> is a text
file containing Compiler command line options. The Compiler behaves
as if the "-B <filename>" were replaced by the contents of the
bundle file. Newlines appearing in these files are allowed and are
treated as whitespace. The MathWorks provides options files for the

ccom Used for building COM objects on Windows (requires
MATLAB Builder NE)

cexcel Used for building Excel components (requires
MATLAB Builder EX installed)

cppcom Same as ccom. This option will be obsoleted
in a future release of MATLAB Builder NE.

cppexcel Same as cexcel. This option will be obsoleted
in a future release of MATLAB Builder EX.

cppsglcom Same as ccom. This option will be obsoleted
in a future release of MATLAB Builder NE.

cppsglexcel Same as cexcel. This option will be obsoleted
in a future release of MATLAB Builder EX.

csglcom Same as ccom. This option will be obsoleted
in a future release of MATLAB Builder NE.

csglexcel Same as cexcel. This option will be obsoleted
in a future release of MATLAB Builder EX.

cpplib Used for building a C++ shared library.

csharedlib Used for building a C shared library.

Same as csharedlib. This option will be
obsoleted in a future release of the MATLAB

dotnet Used for building .NET components on Windows
(requires MATLAB Builder NE installed)

pcode This option has been obsoleted since MATLAB
Compiler 4.0 (R14).

sgl Same as macro option m. This option will be
obsoleted in a future release of MATLAB Compiler.

sglcpp Same as macro option m. This option will be
obsoleted in a future release of MATLAB Compiler.

C For stand-alone applications and shared libraries, generate a separate
CTF archive. If this option is not specified, the CTF will be embedded
within the stand-alone application or library.

c C only. Generate C wrapper code. This is equivalent to "-T codegen"
as the rightmost argument on the command line.

d <directory> Output directory. All generated files will be put in

e Macro that generates a C Windows application on the Windows platform. On
non-Windows platforms, it is the same as the macro -m. This is
equivalent to the options "-W WinMain -T link:exe", which can be found
in the file <MATLAB>/toolbox/compiler/bundles/macro_option_e.

f <filename> Override the default options file with the specified
options file when calling MBUILD. This allows you to use different
ANSI compilers. This option is a direct pass-through to the MBUILD
script. See "External Interfaces" documentation for more

F <project file> Specify that mcc use settings contained in a project file
(.prj). Project files created using either mcc or deploytool are eligible
to use this option. When using -F, no other arguments may be invoked
against mcc.

g Debug. Include debugging symbol information.

G Debug only. Simply turn debugging on, so debugging symbol
information is included.

I <path> Include path. Add <path> to the list of paths to search for
M-files. The MATLAB path is automatically included when running
from MATLAB. When running from DOS or the UNIX shell, the
MATLAB Compiler includes the paths from pathdef.m in

l Create function library. This option is equivalent to -W lib
-T link:lib. It generates library wrapper functions for each M-file
on the command line and calls your C compiler to build a shared
library, which exports these functions. The library name is the
component name, which is either derived from the name of the first
M-file on the command line or specified with the -n option.

m Macro that generates a C stand-alone application. This is
equivalent to the options "-W main -T link:exe", which can be found
in the file <MATLAB>/toolbox/compiler/bundles/macro_option_m.

M "<string>" Pass <string> to the MBUILD script to build an
executable. If -M is used multiple times, the rightmost occurrence
is used.

N Clear path. Clear the compilation search path of all directories
except the following core directories:
It also retains all subdirectories of the above list that appear on
the MATLAB path at compile time.

o <outputfilename> Output name. Set the name of the final component and
CTF archive to <outputfilename>. A suitable, possibly
platform-dependent, extension is added to <outputfilename> (e.g.,
".exe" for Windows stand-alone applications). The default output
filename is the name of the first M-file (for stand-alone target)
or the name specified with the -W option. See option W for more

p <directory> Add <directory> to the compilation search path. This
option can only be used in conjunction with the -N option. This
option will add <directory> to the compilation search path in the
same order as in your MATLAB path. If directory is not an absolute
path, it is assumed to be under the current working directory. The
rules for how these directories are included are
* If <directory> is on the original MATLAB path, the <directory>
and all its subdirectories that appear on the original path are
added to the compilation search path in the same order as it
appears on MATLAB path.
* If <directory> is not on the original MATLAB path, it is not
included in the compilation. (You can use -I to add it.)
If the same directory is added with both the -I and -p option (-N
appearing before both the options), the directory will be added as
per the rules of -p.

R <option> Specify the run-time options for the MATLAB Common Runtime
(MCR) usage:
mcc -m -R -nojvm,<args>,-nojit,<args> -v foo.m
mcc -m -R -nojvm,<args> -v -R -nojit,<args> foo.m
mcc -m -R -nojvm -R -nojit foo.m
mcc -m -R -nojvm -v foo.m
mcc -e -R -logfile,"bar.txt" -v foo.m

S Create Singleton MCR
Create a singleton MCR when compiling a COM object. Each
instance of the component uses the same MCR (requires MATLAB
Builder NE).

T <option> Specify target phase and type. The following table shows
valid <option> strings and their effects:

codegen - Generate a C/C++ wrapper file.
(This is the default -T setting.)
compile:exe - Same as codegen, plus compile C/C++ files to
object form suitable for linking into a
stand-alone executable.
compile:lib - Same as codegen, plus compile C/C++ files to
object form suitable for linking into a shared
link:exe - Same as compile:exe, plus link object files
into a stand-alone executable.
link:lib - Same as compile:lib, plus link object files
into a shared library/DLL.

v Verbose. Show compilation steps.

w list. List the warning strings that could be thrown by the MATLAB
Compiler during compilation. These <msgs> can be used with another
form of the w option to enable or disable the warnings or to throw
them as error messages.

w <option>[:<msg>] Warnings. The possible options are "enable",
"disable", and "error". If "enable:<msg>" or "disable:<msg>" is
specified, enable or disable the warning associated with <msg>. If
"error:<msg>" is specified, enable the warning associated with
<msg> and treat any instances of that warning as an error. If the
<option> but not ":<msg>" is specified, the Compiler applies the
action to all warning messages. For backward compatibility with
previous Compiler revisions, "-w" (with no option) is the same as
"-w enable".

W <option> Wrapper functions. Specify which type of wrapper file
should be generated by the Compiler. <option> can be one of
"main", "WinMain", "lib:<string>", "cpplib:<string>",
"com:<component-name>,<class-name>,<version>", or "none"
(default). For the lib wrapper, <string> contains the name of the
shared library to build.

Y <license.dat file> Override the default license.dat file with the
specified argument.

? Help. Display this help message.


Make a stand-alone C executable for myfun.m:
mcc -m myfun

Make stand-alone C executable for myfun.m. Look for
myfun.m in the directory /files/source, and put the resulting C files
and executable in the directory /files/target:
mcc -m -I /files/source -d /files/target myfun

Make a stand-alone C executable from myfun1.m and myfun2.m
(using one mcc call):
mcc -m myfun1 myfun2

Make a C shared/dynamically linked library called "liba" from a0.m and
mcc -W lib:liba -T link:lib a0 a1

Make a CPP shared/dynamically linked library called "liba" from a0.m
and a1.m
mcc -W cpplib:liba -T link:lib a0 a1

See also compiler/function, MCCSAVEPATH, REALONLY, realsqrt, reallog,
realpow, COMPILER_BUG_REPORT, mbuild.
Reference page in Help browser
doc compiler/mcc

this may not be true 请问可以说成this may isn't true. to be allo的意思,速度回答 This book ___ Lucy's.Tom's name is on its cover.A.can't be B.mustn't be C.may not be选啥,还有一个辨析的may be not 与may not be 有区别吗 May be or May not翻译中文 This document may be found May be...Not impossible翻译 用may或may be填空:She ( ) know the answer to this math problem,but I'm not so sure. 翻译:The market may not be exactly what it was,but this capitalism. may be 的否定式是 may not be 还是may be not(may not是分开的) MAY NOT BE是MAY BE 的否定形式吗 英语习题讲解I may not have time this afternoon.I may not ____ _____this afernoon.我知道答案是(be free)但是不知道为什么, 请问:may not be是表示可以不行,还是一定不行?那么在这句话中呢:You may not use any of this word more than once? _________ this book be yours?---- No,it ________ not be mine.It ________ be his.A.Can,must,m_________ this book be yours?---- No,it ________ not be mine.It ________ be his.A.Can,must,may B.May,might,must C.Can,may,must D.Must,can,may答案为什么 This order may not be edited.It is currently locked for processing.This order may not be edited.It is currently locked for processing.Please wait and try again later.请问是怎么翻译的 翻译1. Can this be important? No.This may not beimportan2.Can it be electricity?  Yes.It must be electricity.3.Can this building be dangerous?  Yes,this builing may be in danger.4.May he be may be 的否定形式是may not be 还是may be not (联想到can not +动词) 英语翻译This item may be available at a lower price from other sellers that are not eligible for Amazon Prime. 英语翻译this rule we must follow,that the argument of induction may not be envaded by hypotheses