九下牛津英语U1.U2选择题Mum,I think I'm well enough to go to school.Not really,my dear.You'd better stay at home for ___day.A.any B.other C.the other D.anotherI heard that the scientists had ____the forest.So they had.They fo

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 02:52:44
九下牛津英语U1.U2选择题Mum,I think I'm well enough to go to school.Not really,my dear.You'd better stay at home for ___day.A.any    B.other    C.the other    D.anotherI heard that the scientists had ____the forest.So they had.They fo
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九下牛津英语U1.U2选择题Mum,I think I'm well enough to go to school.Not really,my dear.You'd better stay at home for ___day.A.any B.other C.the other D.anotherI heard that the scientists had ____the forest.So they had.They fo

Mum,I think I'm well enough to go to school.Not really,my dear.You'd better stay at home for ___day.A.any    B.other    C.the other    D.another

I heard that the scientists had ____the forest.So they had.They found some unusual plants.A.discovered    B.intented   C.explored   D.examined

What did Mike say?He said_____.A.if you are free the next week    B.what colour was it      C.the weather is fine    D.summer comes after spring

There are many rice cookers for you to____.But I don't know____to buy.A.choose;what   B.choose;which    C.choose from;which    D.choose from;what

Dad,I'm paid 300000yuan a year for the job.Really?It just sounds____to be true.A.so well  B,.too good   C.good enough     D.too well

九下牛津英语U1.U2选择题Mum,I think I'm well enough to go to school.Not really,my dear.You'd better stay at home for ___day.A.any B.other C.the other D.anotherI heard that the scientists had ____the forest.So they had.They fo


九下牛津英语U1.U2选择题Mum,I think I'm well enough to go to school.Not really,my dear.You'd better stay at home for ___day.A.any B.other C.the other D.anotherI heard that the scientists had ____the forest.So they had.They fo 牛津英语8A U1 U2后面的单词 初一下学期英语牛津英语 U2 main task原文、、、 求牛津上海版英语七年级上册U1、U2课文我要最新的上海版的 求 译林牛津英语8B U1、U2单词表有英文、中文、词性,有音标最好. U1,U2, 英语要求顺序,几年级U1,U2... 牛津英语广州版初二上学期的单词问题U1的第一个单词和最后一个单词是什么,U2是不是有个subject的单词? 上海牛津英语九下课文上海牛津英语九下Unit1课文注释及单词和练习 求牛津初中英语8A U1 U2单词带中文和音标 牛津小学8a单词 u1 u2是这些吗?Unit1 morenothingbowlhonestsecretjoyspecialsadbelieveteenagermagazinegood-lookingmusicalslimgenerouswillingreadysingeralmosteyesightroundsmartsensehumourboredjokefitoffadvertisementshoulder-lengtheveryonetruevot 牛津高中英语模块三U1 U2词组整理,要全一点的.要有中文 牛津8A的词组 ,好的来U1,U2的先来 我知道I=U1/R1=U2/R2 但分压公式U1/U2 =R1/R2 应该是U1/U2=R2/R1啊 I=U1/R1=U2/R2 但分压公式U1/U2 =R1/R2 应该是U1/U2=R2/R1,我很蠢, 求U1,U2,和I若9V电源反接,则U1,U2,I变为多少?辛苦了 跪求八年级上册英语课文翻译(外研版)M1 u1 M1 u2 -------M12 u1 M12 u2 M1到M12 全部 要完整要保证有U1 U2 求图中U2/U1