"He worked on his game several hours a day."的意思

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:40:43
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"He worked on his game several hours a day."的意思
"He worked on his game several hours a day."的意思

"He worked on his game several hours a day."的意思

He worked on his friends to heip her.这里的work on怎么翻译? He worked on his game several hours a day.的意思 He had to help his parents_on the farm on weekends.A.work B.working C.works D.worked After he worked out the solution,appeared a smile on his face.A.it B.here C.what D.there 11.He had to help his parents ___ on the farm on weekends.A.work B.working C.works D.worked he worked his way up through the ranks怎么翻译, 翻译一下"he worked his way through college danny__hard for long to realize his dream and now he is popularhas worked worked为什么 -How long has his father worked in that city?-he has worked there s___ last year. 初二英语阅读短文Bruno was a boy of eight.His father worked in a cinema and his mother worked in a shop.He lived not far from his school.He always walked there and walked home.On his way to school,he had to pass a playground(操场).It was He worked for ORBIS on the plane.的中文是什么意思? 将几个短句改成一段话举例:The day was damp.The day was dismal.The day was cold.It was winter.The old man worked all day.He worked in the woods.He died on his way home.改成:The old man died on his way home from the woods,where he had 将几个短句改成一段话举例:The day was damp.The day was dismal.The day was cold.It was winter.The old man worked all day.He worked in the woods.He died on his way home.改成:The old man died on his way home from the woods,where he had It's two years since I worked in Beijing.为什么不能用has worked?He worked in Africa on wild animals for eight years.为什么不能用had worked?Our work not finished ,we refused his offer.为什么不能用has not been finished? he is on his way He fall on to his he wears his emotions on his sleeve He worked hard,but he didn't improve his work.(改为同义句)_______ he worked hard ,he didn't improve his work.